Welcome to Estate. Please, come in... This is a map made by me, Dr Killmore, and my friend, P1MPxSLaSH. Estate is basically the interior of a spooky house. There are 10 rooms/areas for the players to venture. REMOVE THREAD PLEASE The Humans: -normal health and shields -no recharge rate -normal damage -90% movement -no radar OBJECTIVE: Reach the safe havens for temporary salvation. SPAWN: The Library Human Classes Spoiler SHARPSHOOTER Weapon: Magnum Armor Ability: Sprint Grenades: 1 Frag MARKSMAN Weapon: Spiker Armor Ability: Sprint Grenades: 2 Frags SPEC OPS Weapon: Plasma Rifle Armor Ability: Sprint Grenades: 1 Frag The Infected: -normal health -slow recharge rate -no shields -low damage. OBJECTIVE: Devour every last human. SPAWN: Multiple zombie spawn rooms around the map Infected Classes Spoiler ZOMBIE Weapon: Energy Sword Armor Ability: Sprint Grenades: None SPECTER Weapon: Plasma Pistol Armor Ability: Active Camo Grenades: None DEMON Weapon: Gravity Hammer Armor Ability: Hologram Grenades: 1 Frag Safe Havens: Humans earn... -Invincibility -Active Camo -10% Shield Recharge -50% Health Recharge Havens last 15 seconds. Here is what they typically look like: Spoiler Now, on too our many splendid paintings... Hallway Library Wheel Room Kitchen Dead End Staircase Bedroom Dining Room Toilet Attic Map of Estate We hope you enjoy your stay. DOWLOAD GAMETYPE DOWNLOAD MAP Don't forget to pack extra underwear! REMOVE---ACCIDENT
This looks really nice good job killmore/p1mpxslash. I will have to give this a download and try it out
Ya, but download it off my thread with the thumbnail, this was accidentally posted due to computer problems GOOD THREAD: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-casual-maps/112307-haunted-estate.html MOD: PLEASE DELETE THIS THREAD