A lot of hard work was put into it. You don't have to watch the first 5 minutes, just simply skip to 5:19 in the video and wait for amazing to happen! Thanks. RSR Announcement - THE LAST DAWN - YouTube
Well, I'll start by saying... only part of that was a trailer... should of seperated the two really. I was getting ready to rip into you a bit when you spelt out star thinking stars from resi evil... luckily, it spelt start instead, so that can be let off The trailer is intresting, doesn't give to much away in story, other then gathering that its 2 soldiers possibly fighting during the fall of reach, or just generaly in fighting for thier lifes. Nicely done non the less though, the music fit, what was that track by the way? Good cinematography. Hopefully, will be worth the wait... even though a year is a bit long, unless you know your dedicated to it.
Well good thing we didn't get a new one ripped in us. Would've been hard to explain that to everyone at college. Yeah, its going to be a surprise and we're waiting a year because we want to finish all the scripts. It might be less than a year though if we can get everything done on time. And all of our music comes from freesoundtrack and Machinimasound from youtube, GREAT if not PERFECT tracks come from there. <3 Thank you for your feedback.