This is Playground v1.0. There are 5 seperate play areas 1.Sticking yourself 2.Ghost Pit 3.Fun Switch 4.Another Switch 5.The Driveway. Pictures: The Driveway: Parking place for Switch No.1: Switch No. 1 (try figure it out lol): Switch No.2: Ghost Pit: Sticking myself video link (this is a tutorial of what I did to stick myself, it shows where to stand and where to throw):Click Here Download: Playground v1.0 Enjoy, Rob
Im not really sure I follow this. You said that theres 5 different play areas but you didn't say how to use them other than the sticking yourself thing. More of a description would be helpful. Also you definitely need to explain how to use you switches because people often have hard times figuring them out. I wont rate the map until you explain how to use all the different parts and add more of a description
Pretty cool but I've seen better. The forging was a little sloppy in some places and There seems to be alot of empty space.Sorry but this map does not look fun to me except the sticking yourself wich is always fun.
Wow, this is certainly a different type of map. Not to say a bad one, but definetly different. Not once have I seen a map posted that is there purely for people to have fun doing random things. It looks pretty nice, as well. Obviously it would be played in forge mode, and people would just have fun playing with the switches and items. Intensely original, very nicely made, and reasonably good handwriting. 5/5, and a download from me. I just might need to make a map similar to this. Good job.
Definitely unique. I like the idea, so I'll try and make some kind of invention like this myself if you don't mind. I was thinking of more of a challenge like sicking yourself by hitting the proper mancannons, etc. 4/5 and a =) from me.
Thanks for all of the good reviews, I don't mind If you make something similar to this as long as you say it's based on my map so more people DL . I hope your map goes well.