Players dropping out of games

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pablodius, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Pablodius

    Pablodius Forerunner

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    Anyone else getting majorly hacked off about players dropping out of matchmaking games? Last night I was playing Reach with a friend for seven games. Out of those, a single game ended with a full contingent of players.

    Maybe I'm just imagining it, but the number of games where one player drops out (either because of network issues, ragequitting, or being booted by someone throwing their toys out of the pram) seems to be increasing. And then another player drops out. And another. And another. And before you know it, your meagre squad of three players is being slaughtered by two wraiths, a revenant, a hog and probably one or two snipers.

    I don't want to start an epic debate on Halo v MW matchmaking systems, but I do find myself wondering why the hell players can't join midgame in matchmaking to level out the numbers. I know it sucks having to join a game with only a few seconds left, but you know what sucks more? Having to endure seven, mind-numbing games of impossible odds before finding a single, decent, even match.
  2. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    It does suck when this happens, but for the most part it cant be helped. If someone drops out then it isnt really their fault. Ragequitting or being booted is most definitely that person fault and shouldn't be tolerated. I suppose thats why Bungie implemented the probation period if you ragequit a game, but being booted from a game should have the same probation period.

    If you insist on being a serial pest by constantly TKing and you get booted within say 30 minutes of a prior booting, you shouldn't be allowed to rejoin MM for an hour. Tough, but you shouldn't have been a jerk in the first place.

    Back to the main point though, it is a pain to have people quit mid-game, but look at it this way. Less people on your team means less points for the other team. Statistically, if you have less people than the other team, you have more of a chance of winning. Unless you eat nub caek.
  3. X RS Sniper X

    X RS Sniper X Forerunner

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    Camp it out or get a Sniper and camp then if you are in Second then snipe some noobs and get ahead in one point.

    OT : Even if i get my Teammates Kicked (Yes i am a jerk) just try your best and Hope to win an also try not to go Lone wolf or else you'll get Raped in seconds.
  4. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Why you felt the need to capitalize random words there, especially "Raped", eludes me. But your basic point is sound. Dont go Rambo thinking you'll come out unscathed, unless you are extremely good at dodging bullets.
  5. Pablodius

    Pablodius Forerunner

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    Damn. I love going Rambo, and am also partial to a hearty slab of nub cake.
  6. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I blame the players who think it is acceptable to quit when your losing(or have a low K/D) and will have to put in some effort to win so they keep quitting till the other team has quitters to have a easy win and in the process ruining everyone's games.

    When you try say quitting is bad and ruins the game and you should finish the game even if its hard/challenging, You always get the "it's just a game" yea a game that I want to play how it was meant to be played without quitters.

    But about joining mid game would mean more black screens and MORE quitting."What do you care if I quit someone else will take my place" Personally I think it works for other games just doesn't suit Halo.
  7. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    On a related note, is it just me or does it always seem to be your team that quits, not theirs?

    This problem was terrible for me in H3. It was always my team that quit, leaving the game as an 8 v 1. However it's slightly improved with reach, especially since I have a group of people that I frequently play with. Add on to that the fact that we have some pretty shmexy teamwork, and even losing one or two people doesn't necessarily put us at a disadvantage. Try to find people to frequently play with, it'll help.
  8. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    BTB is my favorite playlist since Halo 2, but it always has the worst teammate related issues. Not only does it always seem to be my luck that my team is full of quitters/AFKers, but it is always during a game against a full party.

    It is definitely worst when people quit right at the lobby when they get intimidated by a full party/high ranks or when people quit during invasion, where a loss cripples the team's ability to spawn on each other.

    It doesn't require much to get rid of these types of games, however. I play with a nearly full party of friends that don't put much effort into actually winning and it is still significantly easier than playing with randoms. Either the true skill system thinks that my party incredibly bad at Halo or we just work better together than we do with randoms.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I love Grifball Firefight and Big Team. Unfortunately in every one of those I feel like I'm going up against the entire enemy team by myself on a terrible connection due to campers, afkers, quitters, and my connection that recently decided to suck.

    If people quit on your team in Big Team then the other team steals your vehicles and starts spawn camping you which means you have absolutely no chance of winning. Unless you go steal the enemy wraith then start spawn camping the enemy team (1v8 lol) until the other afkers on your team quit causing the game to first black screen at 14 kills then go back to the game and after another 13 kills black screen and end the game.

    So many btb shenanigans.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    It does suck, but I remember once in halo3 when everyone left but me, in a 4v4 match on construct.... now 1v4. I camped with the flamethrower, brute shot, and BR and ended up winning by a few points. You just never know, that was one of the most satisfying wins ever!

    I do think there should be a better system for keeping track of quitters/laggers. If you quit/lag out often enough, than the odds of you being matched up with quitters and laggers should go up. If you never quit, hardly ever lag out, you should be matched up with players that almost never quit and never lag out. I know this would be hard to implement, and would probably not work when populations of playlists are kind of low, but I still think its a good idea.

    I do HATE quitters, but I don't think reach should have a mw2/homefront type system where people can join midgame. imagine how often people would quit then?
  11. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I don't think it should have that style either. When I'm matched up with a group of people, I very quickly find out their strengths and weaknesses. I don't want that to constantly change throughout the entire game.

    And Bungie really did quite little to prevent the problem. I don't know the exact number, but it's something along the lines of 5 quits in a row and you can't play for fifteen minutes. Whether or not that's accurate, it's something along those lines, and that does very little to combat the issue at hand. I think the severity of the punishment should increase proportionally in relation to the frequency of the offense (quitting/banning). I can deal with an incredibly good team destroying me, but the constant quitting is what gets to me.
    #11 Plasma Blades, Jul 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2011
  12. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    I did think of the idea of players joining midgame to level it out. Also, it would decrease the time that you have to wait to find a game, because there are others to join in progress. I also think harsher punishments should be in order for people that quit more than 3 times a week, like temp bans for more than the length of a Spongebob episode, or the inability of participating in any jackpots or challenges for the week, or even major fines like 25,000 +.
  13. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    YES, totally. Increase exponentially, 5 to the x power (but maybe only if they happen within the same 24 hour period, it would reset each day). first offense, 5 minutes. second offense, 25 minutes. third offense, 125 minutes (2 hours, 5 minutes). 4th offense, 625 minutes, (or roughly 10 hours).

    and when people ***** about such harsh restrictions... hey dumbass! don't ****ing quit the game than!
  14. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I was more talking about 4v4 games on small maps. It would suck to be in that situation on a BTB map, but my statement still stands. If you're a particularly spry and devious player, you still have a reasonably good chance at winning.

    I dont play BTB often, so I cant comment on whether or not it would be easy, but its still possible. I've only been left as the sole player on my team in 4v4 games (or 1v4) and I managed to either win, or get extremely close to winning. These scenarios happened a few times on TS, but mostly on SWAT. Guess I must have had better reflexes than the other dudes.

    On another note, I ****ing hate Idlers. They. ****. Me.
  15. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I've one swat alone. That's easy. Encounters in swat are so quick that winning a 1v4 is not out of the question. In most gametypes to do this you either need control of power weapons which you usually don't have when playing alone, or need to single out players on the other team. If they stick together though, you're utterly screwed because their concentrated fire can kill you almost instantly.
    #15 pyro, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2011
  16. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    To be more explanative, I managed to pull those games back from being severely behind, as the other guys on my team were lagging or idling, or just plain ****. I admit that being against several players at once (in anything but SWAT) would severely diminish your chances at winning though, but like I said, if you're a decent player you should be able to put up a good fight.

    In saying this though, dont ask me to demonstrate it, because I havent played Reach competitively for a few weeks and my skill is probably lagging at the moment. :p
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    It does. Being booted and lagging out both have exactly the same effect as quitting, no matter what Bungie may say about the system being able to tell if you lagged out. And I'm sorry, but if I stick someone, then some melee happy kid who doesn't even seem to realise that he has a goddamn gun in his hand decides to run up to that person and gets killed, and then I get booted, that's not my fault. I agree that, more often than not, if you got booted then it was your fault, even if simply for being careless around team mates, but blanket high-and-mighty statements like that annoy me.

    Btw, I had this game yesterday, hopefully it'll warm your heart a little if you're in an unforgiving mood for quitters. The guy's guests spent the first few minutes messing around with jetpacks and hiding top trilift, betraying me over and over until I booted them. The other guy was apparently with them and so left when they got booted. I was 2 points down when I ended up on my own, and finished the game going +19 with an Overkill. The other team weren't too smart tbh, they only rolled as a 5 very occasionally and seemed to get bored easily, splitting off to look for me. If they were smarter they would have had more of a chance, but I'm quite good at this scenario once I'm one or two points up, simply going 1-for-1 on every life isn't too difficult on maps like that if you know how to go about it.
  18. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    If you vote for 'slayer' over 'slayer DMRs' then i am allowed to quit out of your noob spraying fest.

    i don't care about getting the time out ban, it goes away and i didn't waste my time playing something i don't want to.
    Doesn't mean i quit out of every non dmr game, but i will if i get sprayed every time.
  19. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I don't think there's any kind way to put this, so here it goes. People like you are the reason Bungie added the quit ban, and clearly it's not strong enough. If you don't like the game, play it, try to have fun, and don't get so worked up over it and leave the rest of your team to a miserable game, one man down, just because you can't handle a different weapon. What you do here is honestly what has ruined halo for me because I can't seem to get a single game in without people quitting and causing the game to lag terribly.
    #19 pyro, Jul 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Thing is, I agree with the guy, I really dislike AR starts with a passion, but that doesn't stop you being right.

    Try Arena or MLG, hell even Squad Slayer has a much higher chance of DMR starts than other standard playlists. If you really can't stand to be forced in to AR usage (which, again, I can identify with) then there are options. I would personally like just one more, a dedicated DMR starts playlist that caters to default gametypes rather than MLG, both Slayer and Objective. But still, things could be worse even if you like DMRs that much, and hey the other day I played AR starts on Powerhouse in Squad Slayer, wasn't looking forward to it at all when it started, and ended up going 39-7. It can be fun, generally isn't, but can be.

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