Play for the children . . . win recon!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mister Magoo, May 27, 2009.

  1. Mister Magoo

    Mister Magoo Ancient
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    Over at B5D, working behind closed doors deep underground, they have created something for all of you. Along with the help of several of their affiliate groups (Black Water Ops, Hawty McBloggy, A Match Made in Halo, Ready Up Live, and others), B5D is proud to present its first Halo Community wide Tournament. Dubbed, Hope Unto Dawn (HUD), this tournament will consist of Multiple Brackets for you to enter and try your hand at winning some pretty killer prizes. Allow us to give you the break down on the down low of what's up.

    If you're not into reading, the guys from RUL made a video for your viewing pleasure you can find the video below ^_^

    YouTube - HopeUntoDawn Announcement

    About Hope Unto Dawn

    Basically, this is a charity event for the one and only ChildsPlay, If you aren't familiar with their work we suggest you click your way over to their site and learn a thing or two. .... You learn something new? good!

    Enough preaching though, here's the nitty gritty on whats going on. B5D is hosting Hope Unto Dawn (HUD) on its forum site. Everything will take place here so make sure to stick around to be able to have access to the event.

    This is a charity event, so you will not be able to get in for free, sorry. The entry fee into a Bracket is $5 (USD) and it will have to be payed to a Paypal account.If you're too young to own your own credit or debt card we suggest you start begging your parents to let you use theirs like right now. This will be a first come first serve on bracket slots, as much as we would love to let all of you compete we simply do not have the time.

    Sign ups will open in three days time, to give you a chance to get your teams and acts together. For more detailed info about how to enter, visit the official HUD page.

    Bungie has been kind enough to grace us with not one, not 2, 3 or 5 sets of recon but 15! Yes, you read that correctly 15, full sets of this will be awarded to the #1 competitors from each bracket and a few will be awarded by some mysterious unannounced criteria. There's also another surprise waiting for the winners ; ]

    Not into recon or already have it? There are other prizes too! These include Bryan Simon "I Wanna be an MLG Pro" CD's, Halo 3 Action Figures, Red vs Blue T shirts and DVD sets, and custom made limited print BUNGLE themed t shirts. if you want to see the official list
    please look down about 2 inches on your screen.

    Prize Break Down

    Free For All
    1st. Recon
    2nd: Halo Trilogy Sound Track, BUNGLE T
    3rd: HUD T, 1600 MS Point Card

    Team 4v4
    1st: Recon
    2nd: RvB T's
    3rd: BUNGLE T's

    Team Doubles
    1st: Recon
    2nd: RvB T's, BrySi CD's and Bumper stickers
    3rd: BUNGLE T's, HUD T's

    1st: Recon
    2nd: RvB Series DVD set, McFarlane SECURITY Spartan
    3rd: BUNGLE T, HUD T

    1st: Recon
    2nd: Limited Ed. Halo 1 Camouflage Elites, BrySi CD's and Bumper stickers
    3rd: BUNGLE T's, [Limited Ed. Halo 2 Brute, McFarlane EOD Spartan, McFarlane Master Chief*]

    Obstacle Course
    1st: Recon
    2nd: BUNGLE T, RvB Series DVD set
    3rd: HUD T, Series 4 Halo 1 Rocket Warthog, McFarlane Hunter Action Figure

    [*= team members will decide amongst themselves on which action figure they will receive]
    [By the way, "T's" are T-Shirts, just incase you were wondering]

    Let the flood of fun begin!

    Current Stafflist

    • Kritical Facility B5D Founder
    • Teck Facility B5D Co-Founder
    • SickNdehed A Match Made In Halo
    • PsychoVandal A Match Made In Halo
    • Caramel Pixel Facility B5D
    • Alkaline 3 Gurl Black Water Ops
    • Halcylon Facility B5D
    • PunkPirateAFO Facility B5D
    • DTA MoonDawg Facility B5D
    • BWO MisterMagoo Black Water Ops
    • Legendary Blue Facility B5D
    • Hey You United Clans
    • SMG90 Ready Up Live
    • Greenskull Ready Up Live
    • Aerogriff Black Water Ops
    • mrjoshsays Facility B5D
    • Duardo Forum Ninja
    • Killane Bungie Employee
    #1 Mister Magoo, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  2. DTA MoonDawg

    DTA MoonDawg Ancient
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    Yes, we would love to have everyone down at B5D for this wonderful event. We can't wait to see you guys!
  3. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Aww. 5$ registration fee :(. Good Cause though, thread needs to be stickied.
  4. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Stuck, for a good cause.
  5. Mister Magoo

    Mister Magoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I <3 you. Thank you very much for sticking this.
  6. DTA MoonDawg

    DTA MoonDawg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, thanks a bunch! :)
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Who would of thought? This is an extremely good cause, and I actually might participate. Not only will I enjoy myself, but it will go to a good cause. I'll spread the word around, notifying my friends, and alerting random players.

    Excellent work here man. I thank you and your administration for creating such a generous gift to children at need.
  8. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    what are the game times? Because I have school on the 1st and 2nd... So if they are during the day I can't do it. I'd like to though, and I am trying to register a B5D accout, but it's not really working. idk why.
  9. Mister Magoo

    Mister Magoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What happens when you try to register an account?
  10. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    "vBulletin Message

    chung_wii, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

    1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
    2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

    Log Out Home"

    Idk what the problem is, and my CPU downstairs shuts down whenever I want to go to the B5D site... it just shuts the browser down... my cpu upstairs at leased lets me get to B5D, but once I get there all i get is that...^ I just made this account so, yeah... Wtf, I need help and I want to help the event, but I cant If this doesn't get worked out...
  11. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can people outside the US enter?

    Also if you make another video, don't bob their heads. No-one nods when they talk. Not like that anyway.

    But yeah it looks interesting and it helps charity. Just as well, giving out recon costs Bungie nothing so it's be pretty cheap of them to take money from us...
  12. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the reason it looks liek their head is bobbing so much is because they all have swords, swords make the head motion more excessive. and I agree with the recon thing, it doesn't cost them money. It still is a very good cause, and I'd love recon if i could get it, that's why i'm going to play. My only concern is the fact that If i don't "win", I won't get a prize. I am only a captain grade 3, so I have no "real" chance of winning, I'll try anyways though. I think they shoud award some to players with good attitide, or players who just go out and play, even though they are not good. I have another question for Mister Magoo, can we enter a 4v4 tourney withought a team, and then just join people who are doing the same as you to form a team? Or do you HAVE to form your own???
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I dont wish to enter because im not a very awesome player, but is there a way to just donate money to it?
  14. Mister Magoo

    Mister Magoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The sign-up threads aren't open yet. You see that message because you were linked to a closed forum. They will be up in a matter of days.

    You can donate without entering if you wish, but donating will get you a place anyway if you wish to take it. Recon will be awarded for other unanounced reasons too. It could be anything from most suicides to funniest WTF moment in the tourney. Also, there are obstacle courses and BUNGLE Brackets to enter too.

    I believe that people outside the US can enter, but I have no idea.

    Bungie is taking no money from us. Every cent of the money raised will go straight to various childrens charities. Bungie are simply donating recon and although it doesn't cost them any money, it is still an unbelievably awesome prize.
    #14 Mister Magoo, May 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  15. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know that, it says that when I try to go to the homage too.
  16. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Ok I have a few questions

    How do you pay? I dont have a Paypal acc so if thats the method then Im out.

    What are the times?

    Someone said Bungie may give Recon to the highest donator, So i can buy my way into recon?
  17. Mister Magoo

    Mister Magoo Ancient
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    It is paypal, sorry. The times are posted on the HUD Webpage.
    I said that 3 sets of recon will be given out for mysterious unnanounced criteria. We haven't decided what they will be yet, but we will not be announcing it until after the tourney. That is if we decide to announce what the criteria was, of course.
  18. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know it says the days that it is on, but it doesn't say the "play times", My thinking is that you need to have all of the players set up and ready before you set up times, if that's okay then i'm in... If my parents still believe me that this isn't a scam... Then I'll be in in a heartbeat. It looks like fun, and I'll try to practice for it, even though i'll still loose. lol. I'll just go out and have fun! Cant' wait! (I haven't paed yet BTW)
  19. Mister Magoo

    Mister Magoo Ancient
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    The days have been given already. I am pretty sure that the events will run the whole day, as there will be many matches going on. Oh, and good luck. ;)
  20. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm confused, It says


    • 06/01/09 - Registration
    • 06/02/09 - Registration

    • 06/05/09 - Tournament Day
    • 06/06/09 - Tournament Day
    • 06/07/09 - Tournament Day

    • 06/12/09 - Tournament Day
    • 06/13/09 - Tournament Day
    • 06/14/09 - Tournament Day"
    What do we have to do for registration, I will be at school on both the 1st and 2nd, so if we need to be there during the day, I can't.

    What do we have to do for registration???

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