Im pre-ordering it merely for the sniping. The graphics and SP are all bonuses. Its a great game, complaining about lagg is out of order, dont forget your playing 24 player. The lagg is less than H3 considering that. Im annoyed that once u get the highest rank in the demo you cant unlock anything else, because i want to try out some other stuff but im stuck with all the sniper unlocks.
Im going to try it. From what Ive heard its really fun. I looking for a new game to buy anyway. Now off to google and youtube to watch some stuff.
i cant wait for this game ether. its a really fun game and nothing i love more then getting in a tank and blowing a hole in the wall. lol.
i hate it controls suck the gameplay is basically COD4 but done soooo badly and storyline is unoriginal its just another one of the FPSs that EA pumps out every quarter
The demo is wicked awesome. One time in multiplayer, I was getting shot at by this guy in a building so I flipped on the thing that turns your machine gun into grenade launcher and blew up the side of the house and went in stuck a knife in the guy and just walked out. That kinda stuff never gets old... And BTW I pre-ordered the Gold Edition.
ii played BF2 a couple times and i loved how big the maps were, as bad as i sucked. but i think il try it out see how i like it! EDIT: and roche that is so not the true pi!!
iv seen the trailer and i played the demo and i so want this game but im short of money from rockband
"its just another one of the FPSs that EA pumps out every quarter" Not really. EA owns a lot of independent game developers, and so it being another crappy fps (which is an opinion, which is wrong) pumped out every quarter is because of the fact that EA owns a lot. Its battlefield, c'mon. I'm going to best buy when I get home from Europe.
Well, the demo is pretty good I'll say but I'll still think twice before buying the actual full version. It's just like any other FPS game...