Platformal v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by ezphour, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. ezphour

    ezphour Ancient
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    My map is an MLG team based map. 2-8 players max. (over 8 players will allow players to spawn out of the playing zone)

    Map details:

    A Fully semtrical map.Two bases with door way entrances and stairs on right and left of inner entrance that lead to top base. There are ramps on the right and left of the map that lead upward to middle then ramps that lead off the sides to a huge platform in the middle. A large middle structure with four entrances and a top mid drop in. The map has been said to be stolen from Onslaught but all i've done is taken the wall that blocks players from inner bases. All other objects, weapons, etc... were deleted.


    carbine x2

    Battle Rifle x10

    Mauler x1

    Frag genade x4

    Plasma grenade x4

    Gametype supported:

    Team Slayer
    Capture the Flag
    King of the Hill





    If you spot any problems with my map let me know so i can fix itand repost for everyone. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
  2. Tbirdsoccer1314

    Tbirdsoccer1314 Ancient
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    I like this map it looks good just are you supposed to be able to be on that little ledge on the outside of the double box where the camo is in
    i think if you dont want people camping there you should line that up with the box it is merged into

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