Does anybody know how to get to this platform on blackout outside of the map? I hunger this so much (if it's actually useful for forging) If it does exist, can anyone tell me how to get to it? edit: thanks guys for telling me about that, it might be useless since we have that room on avelanche, but you never know.
Yeah, you can get out there, but you die almost immediately. I know there are several floating platforms outside the map floating around here, though.
I am pretty sure I know what you're asking about. There is an ivisible platform above the highest building that you can build on. However it is very small. The easiest way to get out is to use two people. One person holds a reciever node as high as they can while the other goes through a sender node on the same channel. You can force a reciever node up there by yourself but is much harder. That is the only invisible platform, that I know of anyway. You can go incredibly high above the map, however. There is a death barrier that is fairly high up and wide which is plenty of room for building a sky map.
Just hold a reciever node anywhere outside the map bounds and save and quit. It's as simple as that. The "floating platform" is above the wind sock. The small area around the wind sock is a solid but transparent object just like the rooms above the rec room, so you can effectively stand on nothing there.
I thought the OP was referring to the iceberg that is behind Blackout. If you are, there is a death barrier, so you can't reach it. If you are talking about the platform above the map, yea its small. Just use the empty space between Blackout and the iceberg. Its very tall (vertical) and is big enough depth and lengthwise for a decent map to be made out there. Hope this helps, --dc