I simply wanted to know if anybody has calculated an accurate reading of how fast master chief runs ingame. If I know the velocity of master chief (Meters / Second), I can time distances to find exactly how long a segment is. That way, remaking maps can be as accurate as possible. Recap: How fast does MC run?
the best way is to take a stopwatch, time how long it takes to walk a distance, and than walk the same time in reach. thats the easiest way, and it helps have the most accurate gameplay remake.
Well, I wanted to know for planning purposes. I put all the maps I make on sketchup with labels to make my life easier. Anybody have any ideas how to gauge MC's speed?
Is it really relevant? MC is in Halo, Halo 2, and Halo 3. I'm assuming everyone in all of the games ran the same speed. But honestly, I feel like this is a lost cause. If a moderator reads this, feel free to lock it. I answered my own question.
yea I did a lot of tests a while back to work this out and i can deffo say without doubt that the walk speed is the same across all of the games CE, 2, 3 & Reach