Finished this up rather quickly, though it was meant to be a simple project. Feedback is encouraged. Also, since I seem to be doing this at a faster rate, should I create a portfolio thread, like Titmar has?
Circles should be moar perfect. World Freehand Circle Drawing Champion - YouTube 0.o Anyways, do you put a lot of meaning in your drawings as you go, or is more arbitrary and get meaning from it as you go. Just curious, since I could never plan an abstract drawing out. On the portfolio: sure, go ahead as long as you update it rather frequently I think it would be cool.
This particular image doesn't have much meaning at all, or at least any that I put in there. It was a controlled release, in a way, of a few ideas, none of which were contemplated thoroughly or organized. However, in some of my older images, I put quite a bit of effort in figuring out exactly what I wanted people to get out of them. The one I released just before this took some time to prepare and ponder, since I wanted to convey Georgia 'O Keefe-style ideas along with some more universal thoughts. Sometimes I'll look back on images and find significantly more meaning than I originally saw, like in this one. Looking back on that image, I see the image of a human depicted in the blue space, while human-esque colors surround the human form, the tan depicting skin and the red depicting muscle/organs/etc. This interpretation happened nearly a year after I actually completed the image. As for the portfolio, I'm definitely considering it, but I'm gonna wait to hopefully hear from the opinions of more people.
i think you should definitely make a thread. 1) it helps everyone witness your progression 2) keeps forum less cluttered 3) more discussion 4) then i wont be the only one lol. as far as this piece... im feelin the green olives and the grid lines... but the big black shape in the corner is bothering me... im pretty sure its because it appears to be flat while the rest of the piece appears to have depth. also, where is your vanishing point? doesn't seem to have one? not sure if you meant to have one or not, but it really will make the perspective better. i shall call this piece "olives in the holodeck"
I don't see a vanishing point either, but I don't think that it needs one. The only part of this sketch that looks like it is employing a vanishing point is the angular bit in the upper right. But it doesn't necessarily use one; it could just be an irregular shape. Only complaint I have is the ball with the ball over it, the lighting seems off. The way you have the shadows drawn on the larger ball makes it look as if it is being pushed down by the smaller ball. Darkening the shadow on the right between the small ball and the edge of the large ball would fix this. I don't know if I explained this well. =P