This map is meant for infection. It has vehicles(not a lot), explosives, and a man cannon. There is an area with shield doors around it with a soccerball that bounces around. You don't want to spawn in there! The humans start on a top area where they jump down to an area an there is an open box to get out. Whatch out for the explosives!! There is a TINY TINY maze to go through to get to the soccer ball area, that's if you make a right turn when coming out of the human starting point. There is a wall of boxes seperating the humans from zombies. The zombies start in a hole in the wall where they go down the steps and there are two ways to get out. Open box 1 or open box 2. 1 leads to steps and when you go up them there is a floating platform with a man cannon on top which launches you in the middle of the explosives. 2 takes you to a warthog(pretty pointless snense zombies can't board vehicles). There are 2 areas with 2 mongeese in each. One by the soccerball area, and one by the human starting point. Human starting point Zombie starting point Man cannon platform Explosives area Warthog Soccerball area Mongeese area by the soccerball area Mongeese area by the human starting point