
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Gazzaverage, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is Plague; A large vehicular based BTB map.

    Overview shots:

    This map is built on hemorrhage but does not include all the usual hemorrhage go-to areas such as the ridge, the caves etc. It is about 95% symmetrical with two opposing slightly elevated power positions (I call them red temple and blue temple) at each side of the map offering infantry a valuable role in stifling the flow of enemy vehicles down the centre. Unlike boneyard for example, the high ground can be directly attacked by the vehicles all be it at a risk. The bases are quite open and the map has three sets of two way teleporters each offering lateral movement. This way, teams have several points of access to guard from in objective games rather than just camping one spot.

    The map is large and sprawling with greatly reduced lines of sight in comparison to hemorrhage. For this reason it plays best with a full lobby of 16 players. It would play well with BTB heavies but is (IMO) most fun for 2 sided objectives.

    It's been well tested and works great for BTB slayer, two flag, territories and neutral bomb.

    Some action shots:


    Weapon set on map (clip number is number of SPARE clips):

    6x DMR @ 30 2 clip
    2x Grenade launcher @ 120 3 clip
    2x Rockets @ 120 0 clip
    2x sniper @ 120 1 clip
    1x Fuel rod @ 180 1 clip
    2x Focus rifle @ 120
    2x Needle rifle @ 30 2 clip
    2x needler @ 60 2 clip
    2x plasma pistol @ 60
    2x spiker @ 60 2 clip
    6x frag @ 45
    6x plasma grenade @ 45

    Vehicles on map:
    2x ghost @ 90
    4x warthog @ 60
    2x falcon @ 90
    4x mongoose @ 15
    2x wraith @ 150

    Useful callouts:

    Red base
    Red hall (connecting Red base to Red garage)
    Red garage
    Red lookout (The building with the teleporter that leads into the upper level of the base)
    Red Rocks ( the large rock formation in front of the lookout)
    Red temple (The very large building towards the middle of the map)
    Fuel Rod (the central point of the map)
    Blue base
    Blue hall
    Blue garage
    Blue lookout
    Blue Rocks
    Blue temple
    #1 Gazzaverage, Jun 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2012
  2. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Such a great BTB map... Every game as been relatively enjoyable, granted I don't have some 12 year old screaming in my headset... Another classic Saddo.
    #2 SecretSchnitzel, Jun 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2012
  3. Sashexander

    Sashexander Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I haven't played it yet, but from what i can see you've done things with the valley that nobody else really has. The only thing im hesitant about is the tower tall bases...there a little run of the mill. Im definitely gonna DL.
  4. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks like it would be fun but I noticed a few things.

    The map seems to lack structure I know it is to clear room on the ground for vehicles but if an infantry man wants to go towards the other side he'll probely be hugging the wall which I do on the blood gulch remake (forgot the name) because there is not much cover in the middle. also seem to lack structure and creativity. your bases look at the second picture (bottom left)that base is just a bunch of buildings not great for gameplay, terrible for aesthetics.

    That ramp in the 5th picture looks way too steep it would look better if you would just make them
    A little bit less steep.
    Just a few things I noticed from the pictures use the feedback or don't it still looks like it could be fun.
  5. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry, I should have said in the OP: I'm not really looking for feedback based on screenshots; I'm posting it so that people can download it and enjoy it. The map has already been extensively playtested, modified and rebuilt based on extensive feedback of people who played on the map.

    Thanks for your comments on the screenshots. I'd be interested to hear what people feel about the gameplay (but no real interest in comments about aesthetics) once they have downloaded and played a few 8v8s.

    #5 Gazzaverage, Jun 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2012
  6. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The thing I enjoy about this map is that there isn't just one middle ground which is massively powerful but rather two power locations being the temples. It plays a little like the Standoff rocks where they were slightly favored to each team but rewarded the aggressive team that pushed up and controlled the others rock line.

    This map rewards that style of gameplay very well by giving an advantage to the team that is aggressive. Solid map :]
  7. oVR

    oVR Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The middle area was somewhat enjoyable however the bases were so easy to camp in it made pulling the flag very frustrating. I quite liked getting on top of the sea stack rock piece at the enemy's side of the map and raining down DMR shots .

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