
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, May 16, 2012.

  1. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here is a video of my forthcoming BTB map, PLAGUE. Version featured is 1.5 which can be found in my file share

    Link to vid: HERE

    Vid courtesy of Forge Universal / princeJ1017
  2. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Very interesting, I certainly like the vehicular basis of the map. Wraith/Hog fights can be pretty epic, especially when the hogs can get places the wraith's cannot. Overall the layout looks interesting with several good neutral areas to fight over, though I do hope that the rather open middle doesn't promote Highlands style gameplay, where infantry are forced down one of two side paths and the middle is a death trap for both infantry and vehicles because of the higher up power weapons on each side. I most certainly want to play some games here, so please invite me if I'm online.

    All in all I'm just happy to see a solid BTB map on Forge Hub. We could seriously use more of those.
  3. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks sweet but I gotta say; the song wasn't fitting, lol.
  4. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    The map is obvious slow-paced and symbolic; leading to all whom play it to think long and hard about why most who play Halo feel the need to rush in and give their lives for a seemingly empty cause in an endless conflict.

    On topic: The map looks great and cleanly forged. I have to agree that the ceter does seem pretty open, though.
  5. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    We've played a few versions and one of the earlier versions did have that unfortunate highlands-ness to it, so you are quite right about that.

    Since then, however I added the two Building-pyramids to the front of each temple (as i call them) which gives only a very narrow angle of fire down into the center. Additionally, whereas Highlands had really safe places to camp and fire out, to fire into the center area on plague you have to be on a relatively open platform which can be accessed by hogs, wraith mortared or attacked from above by the falcon.

    Flying shoe, I'll try throw you an invite to next lobby. I have u on friends already I think (I'm MrSaddo)
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It does look very good Gazza... my only concern is that there is no focus on infantry gameplay though. There's a lot of cool structures around the outside that you didn't show, mostly because I'm of the impression it's just a place to spawn and nothing else. All combat appears to be mid-field in vehicles leaving little entertainment for the players that prefer to stick to walking into combat.

    I'd be interested in playing this to confirm my suspicions which you'll hopefully prove me wrong :)
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Out of curiosity, why is the map named 'Plague'?
  8. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think its just the fact that the vid doesn't show the infantry side of things. The two temples are linked by teleporters and they kind of serve a similar role to avalanche's shotgun room, giving an advantage to the team whose infantry can hold them down. Send me a FR and I'll invite you in next time we play :)

    And it's called plague because the high wall kind of reminded me of a containment facility. Plus I couldn't think of anything better :D
  9. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ahh the name puzzled me a bit as well.
    I'm not sure why but Barrage seems to fit this map as a name in my mind... I think it's because of the high walls and all the chaotic Wraith fire in the middle?

    Are you GMT? It'd be easier for me to get into your testing sessions if you are... no worries if not though. I'll shoot you an FR next time I'm on.
  10. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yep, I'm Uk based.
  11. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks really fun and good.i would love some tests here.idk why but the map almost seems I draw a bit of inspiration from delta facility?that btb map in matchmaking.
    Loved that map.
  12. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is very awsome ! It reminds me Containement , You should invite me Shado for testing this beast !
  13. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Looks really good. The only criticism I have from the video is, it looks very complicated to move as a person without a vehicle. I see some telleporters but I think it would be a good idea to add maybe 2 diagonal man cannons toward the middle from the outskirts of the map. It would make for some interesting vehicle splatters too. :p
  14. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was surprised after the Multi-Flag and Territories games we played how well I was able to operate on foot. My initial perception of the map as Highlands-esque was wrong, and overall I found that even towards the middle of the map I had a good chance to stay alive. The vehicle paths were very enjoyable as well with a good amount of room to maneuver (especially when we took down a wraith with a hog during the flag game.)

    Overal I'm happy to see that such a well balanced Big Team Map will be around for testing and customs this summer. It took a lot of work to pull that flag out of the base and really required teamwork to get it out and back. Hopefully we'll be seeing a lot of Plague this summer.
  15. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Just wanna say that I approve of your music choice in the video. It is combined with the slow-dissolves to great effect.
    #15 UnfrozenLynx, May 27, 2012
    Last edited: May 27, 2012
  16. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    This map is just about finished and will probably require not much more than tweaks and nudges. The current version is 1.6 (in my file share) and there is also a theater clip showing a full game of BTB slayer (called Plague 1.6 full game).

    I am looking to play objective now. Slayer is working well. Flag seems okay. The one game of assault we had seemed iffy, but I don't know if it was due to uneven teams. territories is interesting...

    Overall I'm now looking for game specific feedback and comments. Cheers.
  17. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The territories game we played had strongly uneven teams, so I can't say much there. In flag it was a hard pull but there were a lot of routes to take it, both by vehicle and on foot, both of which were used. Still, the teams were not quite perfect so the other team was stuck in a full on defense most of the game.
  18. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Final version of this map is now in my file share. Will post properly when online file share returns.
  19. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks brilliant, definite download right there, tell me when it's released please :D
    My only criticism is the song gets a bit annoying haha but the map looks great, even the colloseum walls look the part and it's hard to get them to look good in a map like this where there's lots of natural parts to it, congrats

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