Placebo Parkway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JH2P, Jan 4, 2009.

  1. JH2P

    JH2P Ancient
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    Placebo Parkway
    This is my second map. I was just learning how to interlock objects when I made it, so you'll see a little here and there.


    It's an asymmetrical map, but each base starts out with relatively balanced weapons. One side has a large wall with only a couple options on how to get through. The other side is wide open, with nothing between players and the base except distance.
    I wanted one side to have much quicker access to the weapons of the map, but crafty/clever players may find it just as easy to quickly get weapons from either starting point.
    Early on, I decided to drastically alter the play. It was previously planned to have walls around the entire map, connecting most everything together. That created very easy navigation of the map, so I removed side-walls to keep a little more play on ground level.
    There are teleporters in the back hall for each side. You may fire upon enemies trying to run for the quick way out of their base, as the back hall is separated by window panels instead of the solid doors.

    Supports all gametypes and game variants. Recommend CTF, Crazy King, Assualt, and Neutral Bomb Assualt. 6 - 12 players.

    Weapon set includes:
    - Shotgun for each side
    - Rocket Launcher for each side(no spare ammo)
    - Carbines
    - Spikers
    - SMGs
    - Energy Sword
    - Spartan Laser
    - Sniper Rifle
    - Brute Shots
    - Plasma Rifles
    - Needler
    - Machine gun turrets

    - Active Camo
    - Bubble Shield
    - Deployable Cover
    - Trip-mine
    - Plasma Grenades
    - Spike Grenades

    - Warthog(chain gun)
    - Mongoose

    Here are some more screenies.






    Yeah, the Mongoose will fit through that hole.

    Download Placebo Parkway
  2. Thundercat the plunderer

    Senior Member

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    Well made for just learning interlocking. The bits of interlocking i saw looked nice and smooth. I think you can make something way better once you learn some more forging tricks.
    Oh, another thing you can do to make your maps look way neater is to flip the double boxes over so that the bottom is facing up.
  3. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    You could improve a little bit. For just learnig it is very good. The map seems a little plain, maybe because it is based on one level? I don't know. I'd say a 3/5 for now, going by the pictures, but it still looks petty good!
  4. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    I agree with the above poster, about there being ony one level. You should try geomerging things and floating bjects at various heights. With things only on the ground and one box height above it, it gets boring.
  5. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    this map is ok but you need to get rid of super power weapons like thre rocket launger there are to many on a map like this as i can see you,ve only just know how to interlock but thats fine.


    i want to see a v2

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