This slayer based map variant set in the all new coldstorage consists of two worlds the living and the dead. First of all you go head to head with your oppents in the real world but when you both die you enter hell. In hell you battle it out to get revenge. 2-4 player game works best with 2 players. The real world Hells spawn point Flamethrower The Pits of Hell Game Variant: HELL-WAR Map Variant: THE PITS OF HELL sorry the description was a little breif but I did this post in a rush I might edit it in the future eg. tell you what weapons the are on the map.
i would say it is a good idea but if you die first then wont the other person have to kill himself to get to hell or not and also the flamethrower i think is to big of a weapon
I agree it is a good idea but also eventually everyone will end up in hell and then you may also have problems with thhe respawn points later on.
nice idea and nice map, but i would suggest you making the light become dark only after like 2 minutes or 1 minute
I like it... I like it alot! I love the coloring and all... This is the first map I have seen on Cold Storage and I think its pretty great... Nice Job!
I think you're map is pretty good....but it seems the only modification you made to Cold Storage is to add 'hell'. Also, In 'hell' the Flamethrower will own everyone because there is nowhere to run.
The idea doesn't really work. You only get one life living, and then for the rest of the game you're in there. The person who killed all the others will still be alive on top though, so he'll have to commit suicide. I also think that being in a really dark room where you cant see isn't the funnest place to fight. Spawn killing is a huge issue, and it would get boring fast.
Nice idea, but like others have already said, if one person kills the other in "The Real World" then they would have to kill themselves to get to Hell. Also, the Flamethrower is overpowered in the tight corridor where there is nowhere to run, and once one person has the flamethrower, they can just keep spawn-killing the people in Hell. 2/5 for the good idea, but the map itself needs some work.