
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ryan_expert, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. ryan_expert

    ryan_expert Ancient
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    ya know what, i actually forgot to change the spawn time of the rockets before i uploaded it to my file share. i really think when you spawn stuff like that, it should come set default to what it is in the standard maps......not 30 seconds for everything :|

    yeah, i try to make sure that the boxes dont make you jump at all, and if i did know about the interlocking when i started, i would have used it :p

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    i am planing on making a more MLG version of this map and possibly interlocking the objects together i will message you when i am done
  3. roh roh roh

    roh roh roh Ancient
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    This is a pretty good idea for a map and all, but I would have to say from the pictures and walkthrough, the only thing i would have liked to seen was some interlocking. Everything looks jumbled and rough. Interlocking would have made the map look so much smoother and have a nicer "feel" to it. Just a thought!
  4. ryan_expert

    ryan_expert Ancient
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    like i've said, i didnt really know about interlocking until i was done with the map, but even so, i doesnt look that bad.
  5. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    I like it. 9/10
  6. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    u should make a v2 with fixed spawns fo objective games n clean it up...right now 7/10 just cuz the spawns.
  7. Dindar The Grey

    Dindar The Grey Ancient
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    Tremendously well done map. I like the falling off the map thing.
    Well done
  8. Rise Against

    Rise Against Ancient
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    This is cool, but to bad there is no way to make kill barriers...besides teleporters.
  9. ryan_expert

    ryan_expert Ancient
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    lol, thanks a lot, im glad it worked out so well.
  10. Rise Against

    Rise Against Ancient
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    I would have flipped the boxes, but w/e.
  11. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    The Furious Review

    By: JediWithASniper

    Here are my ratings and review.

    Enjoyment: 5 out of 10

    Balance: 6 out of 10

    Durability: 6 out of 10

    Aesthetics: 6 out of 10

    Originality: 6 out of 10

    Alright, this map had my hopes very high after seeing the video on it, but when I began to play this map, I was sorely disappointed in what it had to offer. Being that the map is almost perfectly symmetrical, it would seem to be very well balanced, but I believe it failed somewhat by offering such easy, uncontested access to a cloaking device to one of the teams. Many of us were completely wiped off the map in almost full sweeps by such a simple device. I definitely believe a cloak, and an overshield are definite musts for this map, but having the two powerups uncontested, with such powerful weapons next to them made for tons of cheap kills not to mention the unneeded rocket launcher that completely dominates this whole map. I am no expert at breaking maps, and I found no exits from the playing field, however, the overall impressive nature of this map is very down-played by the lack of technique in such things as interlocking to avoid gaping cracks in the walls and ceiling. I must say that the reason my rating remains above a 5 is because this map maintains a beautiful originality that I find most maps lacking in. The pitfalls are awesome, but never a challenge unless you feel like dying and want to just jump in, had there been a gravity hammer, it would have been much more fun, trying to use it's shockwave of energy to propel an enemy backwards into his most certain doom. But alas, there was no grav hammer to be had.

    My Overall Rating Is: 6 out of 10
  12. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    As a side note from the review, if you want a full opinion on updates that should be applied to the map, send me a pm.
  13. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I would possibly change out the rocket launcher for a brute shot, the rocket launcher seems inappropriate for this close quarters map. You may also want to remove the invisibility cloak for another overshield. Great map design though. I also like how when you fall into the death pit you don't see your corpse flying past the death barrier. When you fall in, its a silent death....much more terrifying in my opinion.
  14. ryan_expert

    ryan_expert Ancient
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    i really feel like deleting the map, like i've said, i didnt know about that until i was finished.

    you should really change the rating to 0/10, because interlocking seems to be the only thing anyone cares about.
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Now, now; there's no need to get so down about it. There's almost too much emphasis placed on interlocking, and in my opinion it's not always warranted. Like I told you before, I didn't have much of a problem at all running around. There is some tweaking that could be done (I like Draw the Line's idea about the Rocket and Camo swap), but overall I like what you've done with your map. You don't always have to see everything perfectly interlocked to know that a lot of time was spent building a map.
  16. xx Hakeem xx

    xx Hakeem xx Ancient
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    Looks good like a well designed map, especially with the use of the pitfalls. Can't wait to try it out.
  17. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    the map looks cool. I like the pit thing. The map could look better with some merging also u can make neater looking floors by flipping boxes upside down.
  18. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    this is a very good map, the only things I am worried about is the short walk up the middle, and also SPAWNS. How did you plan it out so that people don't spawn in the little bases every time and get murdered?

    Sorry if this has been answered.
  19. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Enjoyment: 7/10

    Balance: 4/10

    Durability and aesthetics: 4/10

    Originality: 8/10

    Overall: 6/10

    Let me start off by saying I love this map. I like its originality, I love how you used the pitfalls without it getting gimmicky and I liked that it's a symmetrical map with good (not great) 3-dimensional flow.... however, I did have some annoyances with it.

    Firstly, your map would have been much better had you interlocked or even turned the boxes upside down. Right now, when I play your map, I find myself hopping over the cracks between the boxes and it is annoying. Had you done something as simple as turning the boxes upside down, I think it would have played much smoother.

    Secondly, your pits were really easy to hop over. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think you should have made them hard to jump over, I just would like to see them incorporated into the gameplay a bit more. In all honesty, I don't know how you would and because I think it's unfair for you to be docked points for something I don't even know how to correct, I didn't take points off because of this, I just would like to see them a bit more focal to the gameplay.

    Thirdly, your weapon placement wasn't amazing. I mean, you had two powerups which were right next to a mauler spawn. There are two problems that I saw with this 1. the powerups were different on each side, I'm a big fan of making each base have the same powerups, thus, the same advantage 2. There's a mauler right next to the power up. Maybe you could make the map only have one mauler between the two powerups. I think that would balance it out a bit more. Another bit about weapon placement, I think that you need a bit more weapons, maybe just two more battle rifles would do it, but when I ran out of weapons on this map and was only left with an assault rifle, I was searching frantically, to no avail, for a battle rifle. Finally, I think, because of the pits, that a hammer might be more useful than rockets up top. Now, that would mean you'd have two close-range power weapons (mauler and hammer), so rethinking the mauler for a different power weapon might be a bit better.

    Finally, I think that having a bit more vertical flow to the map might improve the gameplay. I'm not saying that it's bad right now, I just think that having a way to get to the second floor from the top floor other than the stairs might make it a bit better.

    Overall, not a bad map, I really did enjoy it, and I'm really looking foreward to a v2 if you make it.
  20. ryan_expert

    ryan_expert Ancient
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    im sure you will all be pleased to know that im building a new map, and that im trying to implement as many of the suggestions as possible that i got on Pitfall. that way this new one can be totally kick ass and blow Pitfall out of the water, i already have the new map done really, i just need to work on setting it up for all gametypes and then crucially test it. lol

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