Pit Theta Rho and Pit Tau Upsilon

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kapura, Jan 15, 2008.

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  1. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Pit Theta Rho, now with 80% fewer power weapons!
    Recomended FFA Slayer type

    After some modification, the newest version of my Pit maps is out: Theta Rho (Tau Upsilon available lower on page). The map is still a hypersmall arena built for no more than 6 people, it is symmetrical and contains 3 levels and very little variety of weapons. The new map has the shotgun on the bottom level where the rocket launcher used to be, along with 4 ARs, 4 BRs, 2 Spikers, 2 SMGs, 2 Plasma Rifles and 2 Magnums, each pair of duelies in an open box along the perimeter of the upper level, and the addition of grenades to map with 6 frag grenades in central positions and 4 plasma grenades paired in corners of the main level.

    Map geometry was modified very little from the previous version, I just tightened up a few of the walls, boxes and stairways.

    I recommend playing a FFA gametype, such ass FFA slayer or Juggernaut, on this map so that one team doesn't completely dominate the weapons. However, the map was built with objectives completely in place inside the box, so it is possible to to play most any gametype, but I STRONGLY recommend keeping it between 2 and 6 players, as any more begins to get slightly more chaotic and less fun.


    Overview of Pit Theta Rho.

    Shotgun waiting in the open box at the lowest level.

    Pit Tau Upsilon, a very small arena for people who don't have many friends.
    Recomended FFA Slayer type

    This is a pretty simple map that originated after I decided I wanted a very small map, like 2-3 players small. So I made the smallest map I could think of without severely limiting gamespace. I created this, which is a small box containing about 3 levels, 2 staircases, signs to indicate "bases", all of 5 weapons, 2 preset grav lifts, a teleporter in case there is a map escape, and nothing else. The weapons are as follows: Shotgun, Hammer, Sword, Flamethrower, and Rocket Launcher. The first four are in the open boxes on the upper level of the room, the last weapon is located inside an open box at the bottom of the room.

    The grav lifts are the only way to get from the rocket launcher back to the main part of the map, and they don't instantly respawn, so anyone without a rocket launcher could throw a grenade down, effectively cutting off the person with the most powerful (and only really ranged) weapon. Other tactics my friends and I used include camping the rocket spawn, camping the open boxes, and stealth to sneak around corners without being seen.

    (EDIT: different pictures added)

    Picture time:

    Higher view of the map, better angle of hole in floor to Launcher.

    Last Edit: Removed hyperlinks that lead to things no longer on my fileshare.
    #1 Kapura, Jan 15, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2008
  2. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: Pit Tau Upsilon

    Do you have an overview picture of the map, because just looking at the weapons doesn't really help me see what the map looks like. However, of what I can see it looks pretty good.
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: Pit Tau Upsilon

    I loves the small maps for just a few players. I just downloaded one from a guy here, and that is my current fav, but I'll check this one out too. I might have to change the weapons, though. That's an awful lot of "one-hit-kill" weapons. I prefer longer firefights that rely on lots of skills (nades, perfectly timed melees, aim, etc.).
  4. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Re: Pit Tau Upsilon

    I eventually intend to tweak the weapon spawns to contain less power weapons, but this was fun between me and my friends.
  5. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: Pit Tau Upsilon

    If it as small as you say...I would def. take out the rocket and sword then. Shotgun seems fine though.
  6. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Re: Pit Tau Upsilon

    This map looks like fun if you remove the "power weapons" and add in duel-wielding ones to replace them. This map looks like a lot of fun if you played Team or even FFA games. A FFA Odball game would be crazy! Nice work.
  7. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: Pit Tau Upsilon

    I really like the rocket hole in the middle. Also, I think the map would be easier to traverse if you didn't block the corners on the top. I'd prefer it if it was left open so you could walk around the whole perimeter. Also, where's my grenades?!?!?
  8. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    Re: Pit Tau Upsilon

    looks fun and cramped without being too cramped
  9. Gavintaft433

    Gavintaft433 Ancient
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    Re: Pit Tau Upsilon

    Cool dwnloading now
  10. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    New, slightly more balanced version released. On main post. I kept the shotgun, added BRs, ARs, and many duel weapons as well as grenades to the map. I didn't make it any easier to walk around the perimeter though, however jumping from wall to wall isn't hard.

    I'm still keeping the Tau Upsilon version in the topic, as I find it to be more fun with friends who don't play as often as I.
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