Hello Forgehub, it's me again... yes... i know, you can't get enough of me right? Well, i didn't know where to put this, so i'm gonna put it here. I have decided to make a remake of The Pit, and have named it thus Snake Pit. In context it is a remake, but in a way a The Pit is Snake Pits spiritual predecessor. I am not sure wether anybody has attempted such a fait yet, but i do know they have made a Valhalla remake. Please do not copy this idea, i have been working many hours to get it right, and whilst i have not finished and am still on part 1 out of 10, i have put a lot of effort in, and if i were to be copied, then it would just make that effort worthless. Note that this map is still in it's early forging stages and has just come out of concept (It's been a concept for over 7 months now, and have gotten around to making it after my other maps i have started (expect loads of fresh new and great maps)) I thought i might as well treat you to some screen shots. Muckin round in the beta-beta-beta-beta-beta-beta-beta-beta-beta-beta of Snake Pit Foolin round even more in the beta-beta-beta-be... well you get the point (don't worry, there won't be a chopper in the actual thing. It's a remake right. Grab some rockets and head up these stairs to get to where the turret would originally be, but isn't there in the MLG version of the map... yes, MLG A mid-ranged battle involving a sniper rifle, Assault rifle and a grenade... guess who won? (We where just testing the first part to the map, just to see the benefits and downsides of each part) Me killing my friend for about the 55th time. Although the map is not as competitive in it's early stages, i'm sure it'll be really fast-paced when it's all put together. That's all the pics for now... i will be updating the thread with each part i make until i post the final edition... please post some constructive criticism... CONSTRUCTIVE. If you want to test the map with me (the beta of the map, so i can make the final version better... because i would like some criticism from the community (of Forgehub). Thanks!
Good job with the map I think it is pretty sweet when you get the mythic map pack do something like this their.
yes, i was thinking of making a remake of Snake Pit too... as long as no one mimics me. I'm going to make a remake of all maps, except for Valhalla, i'll keep that treasure for the guy who made the remake of it. I'm kinda excited to do Rat's Nest, Blackout, cold storage and Guardian! (Some have to be saved for later) Did you know; Citadel is a forerunner structure above the surface of the Ark. Heretic is a map that is in a ship called Pious Inquisitor, known for it's luxury and speed. Longshore is set on a tropical island with features reminiscent of Relic from Halo 2. Good for big team battle. I wish, once i get the map finished, that you will help me test the map.
A lot of people have made remakes of blackout, including me and I have also made half of pit. [One side, never finished other side] From the pictures it doesn't look like the pit at all, but I can't judge until I play.
I dunno, just to prove AZN's forging theory wrong? Can you give us an overview shot, it doesn't seem very accurate.
Did you ACTUALLY read the writing? Cos, i kinda stated that it WASN'T FINISHED and i'd only done 1/10th of it. And i also said it's a spiritual remake, not entirely accurate because of restrictions with the objects and money... i'm not making it on a Money Glitched map... i have to improvise. And it's not coming out for a while, when i have got it all pieced together whoever i will invite you to test the map... all 3 (maybe 4 or 5) types of the map. I'll be remaking all halo 3 maps on the new mythic map Sandbox, but i'm making all the possible maps i can do on foundry.. on Foundry. It doesn't look like the pit because it's only 1/10th done and because it's not an exact replica, it's a remake but also a little modified... that's why it's named Snake Pit and not The Pit. It's a spiritual remake, because i want to, because i want to make something fun, to prove AZN forging theory wrong (thanks for stating that EpicFishFingers) Exactly! Due to forging specific limitations, it cannot be an accurate and exact remake, originally designed specifically for MLG i made no underpass under the sword room, there is no sword room. I have to cut it... i'm around $654 now, and my boxes are being used up fast, i have to limit some things. But i will have the sniper towers! I can't give an overshot, although i will do over shot's every section i finish to show how progress is. So i guess i'll hop on my xbox and give you an over shot of the sword room, and the sniper spawns (when i finish em.. then i'll have 1.75/10 of the sections done, the rocket spawn counts as .25)
I know that your going to remake every map, but to me its just screams that you have absoloutely no originality, to the point where you have to copy maps already on the disc in your xbox. Try being original or remaking a past map from another game or Halo 2/1. You are either very clever or very insane. We will see when its finished.
A spiritual PREdecessor...that comes AFTER the original? Really now,no one even understands prefix's on the interwebs. And yes this has been done before. Now i might just not have access to a decent shot of the map but i cannot see the pit in this :S Nor can i understand what the sentances supposedly making sense of these pictures mean.
Making a remake of either a Default map or another remake make no sense. People play the Pit because they want to play on the Pit. Why would someone choose to play your map over a already existing default map?
I'm very original... i just haven't found the inspiration to continue my other maps, firstly this map is just to help me understand the basics of cover, terrain, Lines of sight and good forging aesthetics. You'll see many original maps from me, this map is the only remake i am making on foundry until my original maps.
Have you seen the map? It's not THE PIT, it's changed, it just takes a little of THE PITS's shape... a LITTLE