Pit of Hell If you're bad, you'll end up here. In this map, the survivors are at the bottom of a pit. No way out. That's right; you are screwed. If you think that's bad, there's someone up there...chucking fireballs at you, or dropping fusion coils on your head. If he hits you, you die, and become one of his minions. Last man standing inside the pit is awarded 5 points, and is the next fire lord. INFECTION>>>2-16 Players Map Variant: Pit of Hell Gametype: Fire Lord Gameplay Vid (bnet): Fire Lord Gameplay (ALso found below...courtesy of Sarge's Ghosts) Sucks for them... Rocks for the human-flamethrower... This is basically where he throws from:
Hey welcome to forge hub . First you need have 1 pics for your post and i give you Photobucket for embed your pic . I will download to see and give you comment . For me its a suprise because i dont see the picture .
Hey, I noticed you don't post pics properly. I made this a while back for XF, it is works here though. YouTube- XF Tutorial-Photobucket It works the same for both websites, just different sites in the actual Video. Still use photobucket, just replace XForgery with ForgeHub.
It's a good idea, it just seems that the game would get stale and boring after a while. All it is is enemies hurling fire at you at the top of a "cliff" and you dodging it. It would be enjoyable and funny at first, though. Also, to really catch people's attenton make the pit more aesthetically appealing using ghost merging to make it look smooth and add some extra stuff to make it unique.
So since this is like a Trash Compacter/Garbage Man gametype, you should start off by adding more objects to throw to make it more fun. And some objects you should add to make the map more appealing could be like blocks/ramps or something to cover up some of the space in the circle, so it won't be plain. Other than that, the map looks very cool.
Looks pretty fun, not to original but looks fun. I say you should make it in some way that the Flame Lord cant jump down in the pit, or accidentally fall down. Also, you should make the new infected spawn in a box by themselves on the walls of the pit and only get one firebomb every like 20 seconds. So there not as power full, but can still play. And obviously make it so they cant get out. There boxes could be halfway between the ground and top of the pit. -Just a Suggestion but i think it would make it a little better Looks good Oh you should also interlock your walls to clean it up and make it smoother and better
Can Firebombs go through Killballs? If they do, it might add an interesting twist to have the "Flamethrower" on a platform above the Killballs. That way, not only would the "Flamethrower" have to use his Radar, but it would also appear that the flrebombs were coming from the Killballs. Just a thought. -=Moxus=-
oh no, actually that was my initial idea when i was testing the map, i threw the grenade through a kill ball, but the bomb just exploded when it hit the ground. It didn't create a fire like it supposed to, and it didnt even cause damage the thing with that actually is that the people at the bottom shouldn't have that much cover. i wanted it so that they would have a hard time trying to survive, and the objects did make it harder for the flamethrower. if u tried it out, it was hard enough to kill just one guy as the flamethrower. i initially had put objects in there, but when we tested it (me and my bro) it was pretty hard to actually hit the people at the bottom. They used the objects as cover accordingly to where the flamethrower was. other than that, i agree, that the flamethrowers should be prevented from falling down, and making the pit more sleek by merging.