This idea might have been done before but i don't care. Will the pit be your fate? The point of this game is to use hammers, needlers, and grenades to knock your opponents into the pit. Sound easy? Well trust me it isn't. This game uses a king of the hill gametype. You start off on the edge of a circular room staring at a hole in the center.As you look around there are multiple enemies around. Your job? Shove them into the hole.If you manage to do that you turn into solid gold! THE SPAWNING ROOM DON'T LET THIS BE YOUR FATE THE END Download Links MAP:Pit O' Fate GAMETYPE:Fate Of The Pit
You could camp in the corner of the map and it would be very hard to fall into the hole since you did that. At least with maps in the sybubble if you camp in a corner you will be flinged off of the map. But I have to say the little forging that there is has been forged well. Maybe add some more details in the map and make it so they can't camp in a corner. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Great idea however a good approach to avoid camping away from the whole is make the hill a small area near the hole so that people must be right near it if they are interested in scoring. I don't know if you mentioned but is it one life?
What would swords do? The point of this is to knock people into the hole, and needlers and hammers would be your best bet. And since he is already using those weapons, Cheers to rbyuski.
Ah simplicity, what a fine friend you are. Only one suggestion: Might be interesting if you were to add a slight slope leading from the exterior wall down to the center hole. -=Moxus=-
thanks for the support the camping in corners isn't as bad as it seems the grenades and hammers usually take care of it im going 2 start to make one in the sky bubble it will be bigger and have a bigger hole but for now add my gamertag: I Ryuski I if you would like to play on it with meh