PIT ARMADA This map was inspired by HALO 3s "THE PIT". It has the same base layout, yet it is a completely different map. You will see some major changes in the snipe tower's, green box, and sword room. There are also 2 teleporter's (two-way node's) which lead back and fourth between both red and blue team's "courtyards". There are also 3 main "jump ups" you will want to look for. The first "jump ups" are located on both red and blue team's "training", which leads to the top of "green box". The second "jumps ups" are located right next to both teleporter's. The last "jump ups" are located in the back of the purple building. Jet Packs provide an advantage which lets you go on "top long hall" or "top needles". If you dislike "top long hall" I recommend adding a soft kill boundary. My main complaints while testing this map would be my gravity lifts which lead to the 3rd level of my snipe towers. In order to use the gravity lifts at its best would be to not jump into them. If you jump into the gravity lifts, it can sometimes cause you to "short lift". I found that jumping into the gravity lifts can also be useful because if you crouch there is a small ledge which u can land on. There are soft kill boundaries in area's i found most useful and kill boundaries placed around the entire map. There are also 6 main (respawn zones, weak) strategically placed so the enemy wont spawn next to you if you are in there territory. Weapon / Respawn Time / Number of weapons / Spare Clips Sniper / 118s* / 1 / 1 Grenade Launcher / 118s* / 1 / 5 Rocket Launcher / 178s* / 1 / 1 Plasma Pistol / 90s / 1 / 2 DMR / 10s / 4 / 2 Needle Rifle / 10s / 2 / 2 Shotgun / 90s / 2 / 0 Sword / 90s / 1 / 2 Frag Grenade / 30s* / 4 Plasma Grenade / 30s* / 4 Health Pack / 30s / 2 Overshield / 120s / 1 * = Constant Timer. PICTURES RED FLAG BLUE FLAG RED & BLUE SHOTGUN RED & BLUE HEALTH STATION'S RED & BLUE TRAINING GREEN BOX ROCKETS TOP GREEN BOX RED & BLUE TELEPORTERs PURPLE BASE INSIDE PURPLE BASE PURPLE HALL PURPLE "JUMP UPs" RED & BLUE SNIPE TOWERs RED & BLUE SNIPE SPAWNs RED & BLUE GRAVITY LIFTs
Hey man. This is a really great map. How'd you think of your layout? I'd love to do something like this.
looks like a solid map from the pics. A little unorthodox use of objects, but hey, that never hurt anyone . Might I suggest you get a little more cover though? on that pic of the sniper tower, there seems to be a large lack of cover on that ramp leading up to it. People could easily get picked off just walking up there [br][/br]Edited by merge: got a chance to look at this map in person... I must say, awesome map dude. When you walk around i it, it feels like you're in a small city, with so many objects. but no FRL. I think this map would be PERFECT for BTB/ multiteam type games. The only thing I didn't see alot of were weapons. a few rockets here and there, but I couldn't find any dmr spawns anywhere. But maybe thats just me being an idiot, idk. Anyways, great job man.