As many people know, for a small amount of money, people can pirate games and save hundreds of pounds, in fact alot of ForgeHub members pirate video games. Many people believe it's wrong - the developers of the game receive alot less money to keep their company alive, and it's unfair on everyone else who bought the game, however, some believe it's right, would you rather pay £5 or even nothing at all for a XBox 360 game or £40? Also, many people don't mean to cause such problems for companies or offend other people, but just want to play a game they couldn't get otherwise without spending alot of money - but does that make it right? So, is it right or wrong and why?
Regardless of how you look at it, stealing is criminal. Of course there are some ways to look at it to make it seem like not too big of a deal.
I'd just buy the game. Why go through the extra effort of stealing a game? Would it really be worth it, especially if you're caught? Also, it always just feels better when you have the actual maufactured game and case. I always get more joy in playing that than a blank downloaded CD.
if you dont buy the game, the developers wont recieve the money it is entitled to, so they cant put in the money to develp better future games. having said this, if someone offerd me a good copy of a game for cheap, no risks, i would go for it, its cheaper is and im broke
LOL Dream, I suggest you read: Slippery slope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and get your head out of your cheeks. Anyway, pirating is always right. watch: Steal This Film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Committing, what is percieved as, a victimless crime does not a dishonest person make. People who pirate aren't gong to go steal cars and purses out on the streets like the copyright companies will try and tell you before each DVD.
According to this ACTUAL MPAA ad, you would. YouTube- piracy is a crime (Which is what I think you're referring to)
The game is what, $60 at most? If you're pirating the game because you can't afford it, then maybe you should be allocating your time in more productive things than video games. If you're pirating the game because you're too cheap to pay for it, then you're hardly justified to complain about it when you're caught.
CS3. Not the master collection though. It has lots of useless ****. I only need Photoshop and Illy. Anyway, half the programs on my computer are cracked.
Yeah but what about things like Photoshop? I mean come on no computer program is worth $1000 unless it can print you real money.
How is this a debate?? Pirating is obviously wrong. The people who burn games know this... And, yeah, Dream. Since I burned a couple games, I'm definitely going to become a master thief in a couple years. Might even rape a couple kids and murder a family or two. Who knows what I'll do? You had better start locking your doors.
I beg to differ. If you know anything about programming you'd realize how much work goes into Photoshop that makes it worth all that money, for handwritten algorithms that make all those possibilities possible. If you can't afford it, go for a cheaper solution. There are more than enough out there, most notably GIMPshop.