Pirates Everything is deleted from the map except the two team's souped up "pirate ships." Being pirates, you must stay on your ship if you want to survive. That is because your captain (VIP) is only safe on the boat, and he is the only one who can heal you within his radius, and you also must protect him, because while this is like regular slayer, killing the captian is worth 5 points. Your shields don't recharge, so you must shoot the other team to 'steal' health from them. Captians get a shotgun. Everyone else gets pistols and swords (two battlerifles may be found in each ship). Trip mines and flame grenades help make the experience explosive. Each pirate ship includes two turrets, a plank (to board the other ship with), a grav lift (to board the other ship with), a custom-made cannon (using respawning explosives), and much more. Each ship has two mongeese (sailboats) in it to board the enemy's vessel. Players respawn on their own ship so the two ships must sail toward each other for combat. Over the Ship: Side View of the Ship: Map Gametype All of my maps: RISK Board Game Special Ops. Pirates Boarding Action 2 Battlefield Wraith Escape Death Pit Sprint