hey guys. you may have read my "help make my map" thread. there are a few changes i had in mind since then. forget the crypt, all action takes place on two paralell ships in the skybubble. for one sided assault one team has the bomb on their ship and has to run to the man cannons on the side of their ship to get to the other side. there are 4 man cannons on each side two on the side of the deck and two below in the spawn room/prison room. the prison room is ideal for safe spawns and is used for rolling fusion coils onto and through the window in thew other ship. there are two masts on each side and each will have a small podium which is accesible through a teleporter on each podium will be rockets and a sniper. the bomb will need to be planted on the deck. in the prison room is a sword. and on deck are two smgs and 4 brs.