Pirate Ship Pirate Ship is exactly what it sounds like. A pirate ship. Includes everything from the crow's nest to the poop deck. It even includes cannons. This isn't the greatest ship replica. Its meant to be for a fun, good ole experience. The defenders defend the pirate ship as the attackers attack it with banshees and hornets. Supports one sided assault, one-sided capture the flag, and slayer. The pirate ship has rockets, missle pods, lasers, machine gun turrets, power drains, and flares (which you can launch through the cannons to blind the attackers or stop them from getting to the ship). Halo 3 Forge: Pirate Ship YouTube - Halo 3 Forge: Pirate Ship A walkthrough showing the pirate ship and the fusion coil cannons. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
thats pretty cool, i like how the cannons are aimed right at the attackers banshees and hornets are, and the turrets and missle pods so that its a balanced fight
Is there another base or something, or is there just the pirate ship. Where do the attackers spawn? I'm guessing they spawn on the ship until they die and then respawn on teh platforms. It looks pretty fun though. I think you did a good job of remaking the ship. 4.1/5
For your first time. This is exceptionally good. You even included a video which is alot more than any other UNSC trainees do. But the trip mine should be removed. It is a simple aesthetic piece but can do great harm to the map. If someone stands there and manages to throw 50 or so trip mines the map will overload and everything on the map will disappear. Pretty comical but it would spell the end of the game. Make another one you are starting off your forge "career" very good.
I think that the trip mine should stay on instant respawn since it makes the pirate ship look more like a pirate ship. The chances of someone actually overloading the map is very slim since it takes much more than 50 to overload sandbox, or any other map I believe. Too many rockets and what nots are blasted all over the map all at once so believe me, it does nothing to the map that will affect it greatly. If someone does do it, that would pretty awesome. I'll play it more and other people will too and if overloading the map does anything to the game itself, than I'll make a second version where the land mine will respawn in a few seconds like 30. Watch the video to see the attackers spawn area. Its on the sides of the ships. One side is with the banshees and the other side is with the hornets. A teleporter connects the two.
looks like really fun. maybe you could interlock some objects or you does and i just dont see it at your obejcts.overall i really like your idea and what you done out of it.you got a nice layout so i think its a 3.5/5