Pipeline Is Back! _____________________________________________________ Ok so I learned how to embed my pics! So Pipeline is based off Rifte Gifles Invasion Repel on Reach, well, my map, is on Reach, in a desert canyon! But it's gametype is going to be Invasion Repel Heres the Main Pic: It introduces the Spirit remake! Now here is the VIP teams base: This is the Spirit, which is where the Covies come out of(ha ha): The main building, homming the Missle Pods, a rocket, and BRs: The other side of the map with less important buildings: ______________________________________________________________________ Warthog 1: 60 second respawn Warthog 2: 120 second respawn Mongoose 1,2,3,4: 90 second respawn Scorpian 1: 150 second respawn(spawn at start:no) Ghost 1,2: 45 second respawn Banshee 1: 120 second respawn(spawn at start:no) Wraith 1: 90 second respawn(spawn at start:no) The Covenant vehicles dont spawn near the Spirit, inside it has two tele's that lead to the vehicles on the outskirts of the map. ______________________________________________________________________ After 180 seconds, the map becomes bigger: walls cover the Guardian towers so the map size becomes larger. Note: For some reason, it says nobody made the map, any body know how to fix this?