Pipe Runner By: Reidypeedy StoryA few surviving humans from the overran Alpha ZP Base have found there way down under ground to a secrete enclosed and very small area about 100ft down under. The only way in and out is through the only pipe there. After about 3 weeks they began to run low on supplies so one unlucky person was chosen. He went up and came back very quickly but began to get the feeling he was watched. The next night they hear screams like the zombies scream. Now its time to hold off there base untill they reach help from Bravo ZP Base. Information: Human: -100% Shield - 50% recharge -Battle Rifle and Magnum at start -300% damage resistence -Normal speed and Gravity Zombie: -No shield -Sword at start -300% damage resistence -Immune to Headshots -300% speed and 75% gravity Weapons on map: -Shotgun -Battle Rifle x2 -Rockets -Mauler *****MEANT FOR ONLY 8 PEOPLE*****(u will spawn outside with to many people) **HINT** -Teamwork for zombies is the easiest way to kill a human(double team) -While running through the pipes, tap (jump) and you will move faster Pictures THE PIPES The Human Base(end of pipes) Middle Section(between pipes and Human base) Zombie Spawn Pipes PoV from zombie base Pipes in action Human Base (another view) Back Tunnel(human base) Action shot (reidypeedy) Download Map Varient Downlaod Game Varient
ah yes, more pipes, tunnels, and vents. Good stuff. This looks like one with more quality though i must say. And how interesting, 300% resistance? My my those rockets are gonna blast those zombies right back outta the pipes! Brilliant!
yes!! haha they will but its only 2 shots in it and its dangourus to go down there cuz ur right there by them.. so be carfull
it looks like a very aesthetic natured map, but also a playable one...i will edit this post with my review later on... Based on pics: 8.7/10 EDIT: So i played through a bit, and found that when i played, sometimes i would spawn outside of the map. I thought this map was going to be a bit bigger, and was disappointed when it was decently small... Overall rating 7.5/10
Wow, this looks really cool. The whole "vent" theme really works on this map. It feels great. And it should play out great. Nice job! 9/10.
it is small onpurpose.. if u read the story it says they are in a very close enclosed area underground so its gunna be like that.. and yea u spawn out sometimes if someone joins the game and the zombies are standing on the spawns.. thats the only time its alos only a 8 player map about so dont have to many people or u will
Pretty good forging skills - the pipes are realy neat and well made. the second and third screenshots are great especially where the rocket lawnchair is. well done.
3/5, i have seen so many infection maps that are just the same thing over and over again, you have 3 types of infection maps, the suckish ones, the cool looking but nothing new maps, and then you have the innovators, and sadly this does not seem as being innovative.