umm the pics aren't working for me so plz go to image shack or photobucket and then imbed ur images. for more help vist controlled mayham tutorial.
dont take this the wrong way but i think it looks really quite open and also i think you need an over view
Looks good but the rooms look like people could camp in there for a long time. Try to find ways to fix this for a possible Pinned V2 if you are up to it.
Looks pretty good in some spots and not so good in others. Also looks like you can add a lot more where it is wide open. You should make a version 2 and add things.
I suggest either fill up some of the wide open space or put a ghost in there (preferably just add more structures/cover) Some of the map looks really nice. I like the building in the last screen.
This map is ment to be kind of open. It's ment to enforce tatical play with limited cover. Look at some the default maps, they don't have objects every square inch of the friggin map. But I will make another version with a ghost. Thank you for you suggestions.
I understand where you're coming from, emphasizing the tactical play and all, but I just think it would be frustrating if the map was so open that you had no exit options... But perhaps the beauty of this map style is it slows down gameplay to an almost gears-style tactial game. It would still suck to be caught spawning on low ground when the enemy has a foothold in all the power positions.
I think it is very simple. There wasn't anything that really was interlocking expertise, just every now and then to make stairs or a piece of cover. I know you know how to interlock and merge because I see it on the bases. You just didn't do a whole lot with it though.
It's alrights but abit open and square. I know it's hard to make larger maps because of budget and item limit because i was trying to make a large map today, i failed.
I see some good interlocking, but this map is kind of plain. I don't really see any eye-catching figures that make people want to download. -MattDGiant
pretty good. i like the two structures in the back part of the map. asthetics are probably about 4.5/5 but the layout is a lil sketchy and id give it a 2/5. so as a whole maybe like a 3.5/5 but ill have to test it first and then let u know what i think.
personally i dont like it because it looks liek you just made a bunch of buildings in the corners and then added stuff to sort of connect them... nice job though.. i just personally dont like houses sort of maps! Peace!
How are you going to tell me to work on the aesthetics of my map? Ur a pro forger because you can build a couple of walls and throw things in and around it.
You get negative rep for that. DO NOT, under any circumstances, call a map fail. Seriously, does degrading things make you happy?
Thank you for your feedback ,mainly criticism ; (, and I will certainly take it into consideration of another version.....