This is what you were advertising in the shoutbox eh? naughty naughty! anyways, could you post more pictures please, from what i can tell, it looks allright, i am looking to be dazzled though! show me more pl0x! Also, from what i can tell, it looks breakable, which is another reason why i am asking for more pics...
I agree, maye a few more pictures and a little more from the description, like the weapon respawn times and how many there are and so on and so forth. EDIT: Also add a hyperlink so we can download the map and play, so we can give better advice.
Hmm i don't see any interlocking (not that thats a problem , but it may make the map less breakableishlooking). Seems almost like a city but I can't see the full extent of the map.
i cant tell alot from no description and only 2 pics, but it looks like you dont know how to interlock
This map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!