This reminds me nothing of construct. Its an not great but its not horrible, its okay. Also if its supposed to be construct, then where's the sword? It looks really clean, no unneeded bumps and stuff. 8/10 It doesn't play well- 3/10 Overall - 4.5/10
OH MY GOD THAT WAS AWESOME [/forgegasm] This is some of the most interesting map geometry that I have seen in such a small map evar. But there are two things which stand in it's way from being the greatest map evar. 1: It took me about 40 seconds to figure out 2 different ways to get out of the map, one by a normal jump, the other by falling. -The jump is as you exit the short corridor made out of walls at the top teleporter, if you turn around you see the gaps between the walls and the central double box area. You can just run and jump through a gap and escape. A FIX: put one or two Signs in each gap. It will differentiate the sides, but it will also block the gap from anything but a grenade jump. -The fall is if you go up one of the single mancannons, turn around, fall back onto it and keep going forward, you easily get over a wall. I fix could be making a ceiling to those side rooms, or just heightening the walls. There are probably other areas to be blocked, either by heightening walls of making ceilings. And you have plenty of budget to fix it. 2: The big mancannon failed 100% of the time I tried it. I kept hitting the bottom of the wall which was supposed to curve you out. A FIX: Balleet that one wall, and put a bridge long ways in it's place, brown down. The small gaps on the double box walls on each side hold it at just the right angle in my proof of concept test, so I would recomend revising at all possible speed. 3: The weapons were bland to me. I understand that you were trying to MLG it up, but if you try and create a more balanced slayer experiance, you could have a lot more success. It it's current version, I wouldn't feel comfortable playing with any of my more casual friends, and I think that the sniper is a poor choice as the only power weapon. A shotgun would be much more suited to a map of this one's size IMO. But if you fix those, I think I will have multiple simultaneous Forgegasms.
I don't get what you mean about the "falling" one. Send me a friend request if you want and try and show me in-game. Also about the man-cannon problems, both the main one and side-ones not working, I've hopefully fixed with V2 that I've been working on today. I'm also taking out snipe in V2 and putting in some rocks, too many people have said it really doesn't fit and after thinking about it I agree. So Kapura, send me a friend request (tag in sig) and show me what you're talking about with the falling problem. Thanks.
true Whoever commented this map first is 100% correct members/non-members will be more "into" this map if you have some pictures of action that are not in forge, all you'd have to do is get a practice game together also knows as a test game, and then go back to the same spots you have your pictures in now and retake them it will take a few minutes but the outcome will be great
I like the lifts, looks real cool. good job novak, is that name from "down with love" the movie? mss novak?
No, its just my last name... Im so creative haha V2 will hopefully be out Sunday night-Mondayish. It will support all gametypes, have a little bit more cover, and all the lifts will be fixed. Ill also be revamping the weapons by adding a regen, an smg, plasma rifle, and rockets instead of a sniper. I'm hoping too add a little bit more space down by the side-lifts but I really don't want to have to use walls. If I have to I will though, but I feel like they make the map look ugly Also if anyone could do me a favor and post in the bungie thread to bump it Id really appreciate it... I cant even find it on there its so low
played with supa spartans on this map and we were thoroughly... unimpressed. the map has several flaws with the mancannons and the map needs to be unescapable. Maybe a V2.....