Pinball Alley

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by venasque, May 3, 2008.

  1. venasque

    venasque Ancient
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    Map Title: Pinball Alley
    Hilarious Rocket Racing

    Download Map
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    The racetrack simply follows the outside road of Rats Nest. Barriers and the like have been removed to keep it clear. You score a point by doing one lap to the finish line, and the first team to do 10 laps wins. That may sound uninteresting compared to the crazy twists and turns of other racetracks out there, but this isn't supposed to be a track that requires perfect handling like Gran Turismo. It's more like Burnout and there are a number of tweaks and additions I’ve made that add up to be more than the sum of their parts. This is a different type of racing than you usually see. That doesn't make it a bad thing and I hope people will give it a chance and see how much fun it can be. Coupled with the “Double Dash†variant (gametype link found above) there is enough explosive action to keep things fun without it going to the other extreme and being over done.

    The Specifics:

    Shield Doors: Anyone who has driven on Rats Nest will know that it’s easy to get stuck on the walls when taking those turns. This interrupts the flow of a race and can make for a frustrating time. To solve this I’ve added shield doors along the walls/stairs of those turns. Mongooses just bounce off them allowing you to focus on the fun of blasting rockets or tossing grenades at your friends. In fact I’ve found that if you drift into the shield doors they actually help you take those turns.

    The Boom Room: One of the great highlights of the track. A section/room, just before the finish line, full of instantly respawning propane tanks set off with a flying fusion coil. The room is madness in fiery bouncy form. The balance appears to be just right. Sometimes you can dash through the chaos with no resistance. Other times you’re sent flying back, forward or up, spinning wildly about. This is where leads are lost and underdogs can regain ground. Frankly speaking this is the section that drove me, not only to complete the map but also to spend the time needed to perfect it. If I hadn't created this part early on we wouldn't be here today.

    Mind the Gap: Along the “open stretch†section of the map (where the Pelican is) all the barriers along the edge have been removed. This makes it a danger zone as a well placed rocket can send you and your partner over the side.

    Wire Spools: I’ve created a couple wire spool "cannons" that shoot wire spools out randomly down along the “open stretchâ€. These add nice moving obstacles and can even knock you back or, if you're unlucky, over the edge.

    Teleporters: My game variant is set up for player invulnerably, however sometimes the unexpected happens. If you need to meet up with your partner and a new mongoose fast, there are teleporters scattered throughout the level that will take you back to the starting line. You’ll be back into the driving action faster, rather than running about the map trying to find your way to the right place.

    Quick Spawning: Mongooses and fusion coil obstacles are set for quick/instant respawning. No team should be without a mongoose, even if all 8 are needed.



    The shield doors at work keeping you from getting stuck in corners and continuing the flow of the race.


    Two teams battle it out along the "open stretch". Doesn't look good for either of them.


    Over you go. Looks like Yellow team will have some catching up to do.


    Entrance to the "boom room". Propane tanks add a fun randomness to the last leg of the race. Notice the shield door that prevents you from being thrown off the track.


    Despite the chaos it is possible to make it clean through. Other times you'll bounce all over the place. The balance is great, favouring neither option over the other.


    If you have odd numbers you can do an "every man for himself" race.


    Just a minor setback for the Red player. With the "boom room" and "open stretch" it's still anyones race.

    Because I didn't want to slow down the loading of this page with too many images I haven't used all the pictures from my original post at You can find more by going there.

    Thanks for looking and reading. I really appreciate it.
  2. shortspeedy

    shortspeedy Ancient
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    Puts a nice tweak on rocket race, actually need skillful driving here. Nice map, possible download.
  3. kingsharpshooter

    Senior Member

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    umm all right but its just like evey othere map on rats nest boring
  4. venasque

    venasque Ancient
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    Shortspeedy: Thanks for the reply, hope you do download it and have fun.

    Kingsharpshooter: ouch. Sorry my map looks likes bad to you. I guess it depends what you're looking for in a "race" map. But would have been nice if you had tried it first before painting me with the same brush as your past experiences. =(
  5. kingsharpshooter

    Senior Member

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    na it dont look 2 bad its just not the track i like dude
  6. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
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    It Certainly looks like you put a lot of thought into this map, which is good (duh). Some people will be put-off by teh random aspects of the game play, but personally I like it. My favorite is the rolling wire spools, which are have a chance to get away, but are also pretty random.
  7. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    looks like a fun racing map. the wire spools is a good idea to make it fun. good job
  8. killerpumpkin3

    killerpumpkin3 Ancient
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    looks like a good map but im not much of a rats net racer
  9. nullstar

    nullstar Ancient
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    this doesnt look any thing like pin ball, but still looks funish
  10. venasque

    venasque Ancient
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    Thanks for all the replies. I appreicate the feedback, and understand that Rat's Nest might not be everyone's favourite map to forge with.

    Regarding Nullstar's comment; heh, you're right it's not what you would think of when you hear "Pinball". Originally I had actually called this Rat Race, but there is already a map by that name (maybe more) so I tried to come up with something else. I eventually settled on "Pinball Alley" because you're always bouncing around and off things due to the boom room, the wire spools or your opponents rockets. Sort of like the ball in a pinball machine bounces all about. =)

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