ya ....i never thought that kind of stuff would work (or atleast that no1 would every figure it out) also do you know if trucks can carry vibrations?
ya i already figured that out i worded my question wrong but answered it myself anyways..thnx for the help though
you should send me a friend request my gamertag is goatnuts 420, same as my forgehub sn. You sound like you would be a good inteligent person to forge with. Pimp, me u and zero should make a rotating floor we could pull it off if not we would probably end up make something sweet anyways
next time i go on ill try to remember(im probably gonna be on in like 10 mins but ill still probably forget) the rotating floor sounds easy to me but i havent tried it so it would probably get screwed up also if u were wondering my truck question was like "can trucks cause vibrations" because i was making a huge set of chains that set off another one which set off another one and so on just for fun but didnt finish it cuz i was bored and shut off my xbox without saving