I guess we all heard of the 7 elephant map made by shade and anthony. Anyways, me and some of my friends were messing around in there and we found out that if u charge for em at the beginning of the map in forge, u can actually pick them up! U can move them all over the map, throw em up in the airs, everything u can do with a normal object ( tho we cant change any respawning options). Me and my friend actually managed to get 4 of them in the airs at once. That being said, u can change were they respawn. So i had an idea of making a four way battle with the elephants (place two of them on opposites hills, delete the rest except the two starting ones). Ill post the canvas map with the four elephants when i get the hang of it, but if anyone else wants to experiments. Ill also get a couple of pics when i can. *I've never heard of it and i did a quick search for it. I'm sorry if this is already common knowledge.
Well, I have never heard of it! That sounds really cool but do you need a specific map to do this or do you know how to glitch Sandtrap?
U need to downloaded the 7 elephant map. Its a map that was glitched or hacked (don't know how). I have it on my fileshare if u want it, but i think its on bungie.net somewhere. I'll try and get a link.
i'm testing right now. i will post my results when i am done. EDIT: i haven't been able to get this to work, but i saw the vid on youtube, so i still think it works. i will keep trying