I finally got my montage out! took me 17 hours and 42 minutes exactly. I also tried really hard to get the syncing on key so if you have any comments on it they would be appreciated. Note: lots of Hubbers are "IN MY MONTAGE!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAxc15rwtcg Also, if anyone knows of a better, more high quality video streaming site, please let me know. Youtube has very shitty quality with IE so I prefer to use Safari on my PC.
meh good to see me always being your overkill (twice) >.< The music is nice (tecno is win) Editing is fine not really to flash nor to little. Would have been better with less sniper kills tho. Not saying its bad, but need more BR overkills on MLG, or something with more style
Pretty damn sweet. I'm never quite skilled enough or lucky enough to pull off those triple no scopes then snap a straggler for an over...or some double one shot no scopes...I'm impressed...but some you took more than one snipe at them which put down the quality =[ but overall I like...and the song is nice
Not really...If you watch Str8 Rippin's montage most of the kills are sniper and that is the sickest montage to date. Nice montage, I loved the snipes.
Overall, I liked it. It obviously wasn't the GREATEST MONTAGE EVAR!!!1!!ONE!! But, it was pretty good. As some other people said, you could have toned down on the Sniper Kills, and added in one or two Exterminations, if you have them. The only thing that really bothered me was your inconsistent HUD in the montage. In the majority of the clips, you don't have a reticle. If you ever decide to do a second montage, make sure you have a reticle in ALL of your clips. Otherwise its looks a little strange. CoD has a hardcore mode without an aimer. Halo does not. But overall, I liked the montage, and you had some great 2 4 1s with the sniper.
I pride myself on noticing such things, and even I didn't notice an inconsistency in the aiming reticule. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I viewed it at about 2 a.m. last night :\
The only thing I have to say about this montage Phreakie, 1:17......*sighs* wait till you make my montage. Wha heh ahahahahahahahahahaha!
Im not saying its going to be "epic" or that it would be better, in case you didnt know he requested to make it. Im just emphasizing that he will be included in it more than I was in his.
Followed right after Phreakie's kill on you Xanon is me. Even though I don't like the fact that I was the guy being killed, I do have to say when I had gotten killed you did quite a good job on the slow motion. I didn't even know you were making a montage until you killed me in snords and you're like it's going in my montage. Overall, I found it quite fun to watch and when I watch a montage I pretty much judge it on enjoyability. And I found it quite enjoyable. Now if you decide to make another montage I think you should spread out the time spread that you make it so you can get even better clips and gameplay to record from. Overall great job Phreakie.
pretty cool pros: -nice editing -awesome snipes -sweet multikills cons: -bad music (imo) -too random, I guess, just felt jumbled Maybe add more variety, like vehicle kills... also there wasn't anything truly out of the ordinary, like a cone splatter or something new... idk... so i'm not an expert, it's just my opinions overall: 7/10
The snipes were pretty cool. I liked them, but I didn't really like those AR kills and most of the other non-snipe kills. Good editing.
Vehicles? Cone Splatters? Those are faaarrrr from new. I think add a bit more besides snipes and such.