Based off of photo number 6 This Thursday I went in for a surgery by my ENT (ear, nose and, throat) doctor. I had to have some polyps and a fungal growth removed from my sinuses, so needless to say after they scraped everything out I'm not feeling that great. The only thing that makes my day bearable is a regular dose of Tylenol and Codeine. So in homage of my prescription painkiller I decided to take a few macro shots of the pills and the bottle. I'm also looking to turn one into a signature sometime in the near future, so any advise on which one would probably work best for that is gladly accepted. As always, feedback is more than appriciated. ----- 1. ----- 2. ----- 3. ----- 4. ----- 5. ----- 6. ----- 7. ----- 8. -----
Number one and seven are probably the best because you positioned the bottle perfectly. Seven because you got a good focus on the texture of the pills and ground.
Thanks, seven is actually one of my favorite because of the detail on the pills. Personally I don't like one as much, but I'm happy for the feedback. Any suggestion on which one would make a better signature? I'm thinking seven or three...
Three is the best, IMO. I love just randomly throwing something against a wall and seeing how it landed to get a cool effect going.
Everyone seems to like #7 so far, which is my favorite out of all of them. About half of you like number three, which is my second favorite out of the bunch. You guys have some good tastes in photography ;P @Shedo Actually I just knocked the bottled over and took a few macro shots, I didn't want to crush any of my meds
druggie. seriously though, I love the depth of the very first picture. Nice. Hope the surgery went well.
I'm liking 5 and 7 a lot. The position of the pills, and the angle of the shot make both of pictures very well composed. Great pictures overall, but 5 and 7 definately are the best in my opinion. I like 8 and I seem to be the only one who does. Although I'm not sure why I like it.