Discuss your phones or phones in general, service, mods, free games blah blah. For me? I usually get my free Java games over at Mobile9 - Free ringtones, free themes, free wallpapers, free videos, free software, free games for mobile phone along with softwares and themes you dig? Anywho, my phones have been (i'm recalling from memory) 1. Motorola (it was a felt blue with silver plate, I can't remember the model number) - Cingular 2. Samsung (it was this free phone and it sucked ****. It was black and silver and it looked ugly as ****) - Sprint 3. Motorola Slvr L7 (with iTunes) - Cingular 4. Sony Ericsson w810i (my fave, it was such a manly phone. Wasn't the prettiest, but most in-definitely the most functional) - AT&T 5. Pantech Matrix - AT&T My fave. networks in order would be: 1. Cingular/AT&T 2. T-Mobile 3. Sprint/Nextel 4. Verizon
I got the voyager, its pretty good, but the battery life sux. I'm thinking about selling my ipod and my phone and getting the iphone
i got this 2004 mototola something it has a camera and bluetooth and it really fat and when sum 1 calls you it lights up all diff colors sorruounding the moto logo
This is my current phone on the Sprint network: The battery dies every other day and I hate it. In April next year, I'll be able to switch plans and get a new phone. I know that many new phones will come out between now and then, but right now, the phone I want is this: The LG VX9400 on Verizon Wireless. It's very nice, but I don't think I would be able to get the video feature for it. Oh well, I guess I have to wait another 5 months.
I have a boring silver razor. I have a family plan from verizon with unlimited texting and I pay $20 a month for it.
I know, i've seen it in commercials and ****, but if you don't pay for **** like VCast it's useless, you know?
Well, it pretty much a normal phone like the one I have now but with a few extra features, including the VCast. So if I don't get the VCast, at least I'll be buying a nicer phone than the one I have now.
I just always make sure that I can use the majority of the features on a phone when I buy it, that's all. But I suppose that there is reasoning behind that.
LG Dare I get Vcast, a full qwerty touch screen keyboard for text, an internet browser, and a fully functional 3.2 megapixel digital camera. 90 bucks a month.
Yeah I would prefer a solid keyboard, perhaps in a slider type style. But it does work fine most of the time. Occasionally I do have to re-calibrate the screen because it gets a little wonky.
It's not even that, I just can't type or text and **** on that touchscreen keyboard. It's just weird, and sometimes I don't even know i'm pressing the buttons and you end up trying to spell hello and come out with hjwekko. You know? A slider like keyboard, a better UI or WM6.0+ and i'm sold.
I've got a Motorola L6. It isn't brilliant; the battery life isn't long enough and the memory is terrible (10MB with no card slots), but it's much better than my old phone: a Sharp GX30i. The bluetooth didn't work, the battery lasted an hour, the signal was usually "Emergency Only", and it kept turning itself off. The phone I have now is good enough. I never use it, and the vibration function doesn't make any noise, so it could be worse.
I got a piece of **** phone after I screwed up my other one... It may be a piece of **** but it texts so its good with me.