It's not a phobia per se, but I'm terrified that the recently announced Star Wars Episode 7 will be ****, like worse than the Phantom Menace level of ****.
Big Spiders, Needles, Anything generally supposed to be inside the human body, Justin Beiber, Fridges.
I don't really have any phobias, but certain things scare, unsettle, or upset me. When I was young, I used to become upset when I thought people were going to leave me by myself or abandon me, which probably stemmed from when my folks split up when I was three years old. And that's an odd one, because I'm a bit of a loner nowadays. I also used to be scared shitless of zombies, which probably came from when I was about twelve. I watched Dawn of the Dead (the original 1978 version) when I stayed over at a friends house one time and it was my first zombie movie. Even though the gore was pretty tame and silly by todays' standards, it still stayed with me and I was sick with fear all night, didn't sleep a wink, and had to go home the next day even though I was planning to stay a few days (seeing as we lived about an hours drive away from each other). And that's also a weird one because zombies are pretty prevalent in my adult life, being in games, movies and TV shows (*points to self* Walking Dead fan!). And I know no one likes to talk about it, but it must be addressed at one point or another; I also have a slight fear of death or dying, but hey, who doesn't. It's not a phobia, but it does unsettle me if I think about it too much. It's a major part of life and I've somewhat come to accept it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. When I do start to think about it too much, however, I just remind myself that I've got lots of living left to do yet (touch wood), and I've got plenty of things in my life that will make it rich and fulfilling. Anyway, at least I don't have cyberphobia or..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................macrophobia. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Bahaha, I totally killed the mood, didn't I?
I would say fear of spiders... it's not spiders themselves it's the BIG spiders... because my mind goes well if a small spider can move THAT fast then a big spider if the size is proportional to their speed then i'm dead. and the fact that they are harry. fear of puppets/stuffed/manikins just because I swear they can move and are out to get me. I had an army of my own as a child of dog stuffed animals because I thought they would be loyal to me ;D and they would protect me from my sisters dolls and stuff when I was asleep. Used to have a big fear of heights but I got over that on a military base... Oh I know... I have a huge fear of crowds, i don't know why... but I have a mental breakdown when ever i'm caught in one... my worst one had me in fetal position on a wall after a concert.
Spiders I was 4 maybe 5... I was watching arachnophobia late at night... I thought it was a funny movie. But then in the darkness I noticed something big in front of my face. I brushed it off as one of those giant mosquitoes that Georgia has an abundance of and I focused back on the movie, but then I realized the thing in front of my face wasn't moving enough for it to be a big mosquito... I focused my eyes in... and 5 inches in front of my face was a spider the size of a half dollar dangling from the ceiling. I thought the spiders from the movie had come to kill me and I flipped the **** out. I was crying hysterically and ever since I have had a fear of those horrid creatures.