Phaser is a Symetrical, arena styled map designed for Oddball, Team-slayer and Flag. The maps spawning is set to Neutral for ball and FFA only, while Flag and TS its Red vs Blue. To make the map i have used the whole budget, although iv used alot of objects the map doesn't experience any screen lag apart from a tiny bit at the top of Yellow tower. The map is inspired by Lockdown but most is self thought of. Call outs are very simple and as you will see in the pictures. I have placed rockets top mid, and a sniper top yellow as i thought they would be very important to maintain map control. There are two AB's located bottom yellow (Armor lock) and bottom purple (Hologram) which you will see in the screen shots. Gametypes Supported: Slayer/OddBall/Flag Supports 2-8 players Weapons/Timers/Extra clips: 4 DMR/10 sec./2 4 NR/60 sec./1 1 Sniper/120 sec*/1 1 Rocket/180 sec*/None 4 Frags/30 sec. 4 Plasmas/30 sec. 1 ArmorLock 1 Hologram *= Drop Spawn Pictures: Blue Base(same as red) Front View of Base Inside Base View1 Inside Base View 2 Basement Top middle view (Rocket spawn) Bottom mid Ramp from Base leading to the top of Yellow Yellow Tower (Snipe Spawn) Bottom Yellow (ArmorLock spawn) Purple 1 and 2 (Hologram Spawn) Purple View (Lift from P2 to P3) Purple side View Map top View The Map hasn't had much play testing so any feedback would be handy DOWNLOAD PHASER [br][/br]Edited by merge: mmm no criticism [br][/br]Edited by merge: can some1 help me out and tell me what i did wrong so i can improve as a map designer