Phantom Created by Zow Jr. Beautiful Phantom Remake Description: This is my amazing Phantom remake that took me around three days to make. It copies almost all aspects of the phantom in campaign. It has real working turrets and a grav lift. By the way I am going to use this phantom in my Invasion Slayer maps. You, my fellow forgehubbers, are allowed to use this for any of your maps as long as you give me credit for the phantom part of the map. Onto the pics Overview of the phantom. Amazing, right? The Inside, Plenty of room to move around and a hole you can jump down through. The underbelly of the beast. Me demonstrating the drop hole as an Elite Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] : Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] : Timed Map Events [ ___ ] : Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] : Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] : Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] : Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] : Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] : Unlimited Budget Glitch Download Phantom
This looks very well made. You should make a field to go with it as well. Nice job! On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons.
It looks amazing.At first i thought i was looking at a mod, but your phantom looks awesome.Good job on making it, I would love to see some maps with this in it. 5/5
Well Like I stated in my above post, I am including this in my future Invasion slayer maps. My first one in the casual maps section has a spirit but future maps will include a phantom. I will be taking ideas and inspirations from other fellow forgehubbers.
Wow, this is like a legit Phantom. Probably the only "remake" of a Phantom that looks actually like a Phantom. Very nicely done.
Damn, this looks sexy... Definitely downloading this. For a V2, I suggest making a cockpit. Try making a small hollow block instead of a normal block. A cockpit would greatly improve this, although it is already the best, and one of the only Phantom remakes I've seen.
Aw thanks guys. I will consider a cockpit, though if I do a V2 will be about a day away. This literally took me three days time to make. --- Man, all the comments I got, only a couple, I love the attention (DL wise -_-) This map has gotten. Now if only people would pay more attention to my Invasion Slayer Map. My phantom map has more DLs than Fort Beta 2219. probably because it looks better. I guess now I know what to do with my next maps. Make em look better. No moar maps that are intentional run down shacks, I needs something like a purty house in Invasion Slayer to get DLs. =(
Thanks it took me around three days to do. I am using it for maps of mine and hopefully this was a good lil sneaky peeky of what's to come.
This is very well forged. I had one problem though. When inside the phantom, I couldn't see anything because the lights were to bright. If you do a V2, make a cockpit. But anyway, nice job! 4/5
Re: Brightness Oh you must have DLed the one with the man cannons. There is another version with the MCs removed. If u delete them u can see better. That was kinda a problem wiht my friends lookin at the map
Wow. I think I just came a little becuase of it's beautiful...ness. It looks smooth and you can actually go inside. But it looks kind of clunky from a certain angle. Overall, 4/5
Wow this is really good. For the longest time (when i still played halo 3 and forged often) I kept trying to make a phantom and this is by far better than any of my attempts. Good job, I DL'd and it's quite nice. 4/5 some of it feels in-proportionate.
Oh, I forgot to ask, are there weapons on the Phantom, like maybe a mini armory or something. I just didn't notice and screenshots inside the phantom or anything like that.
Yes, there is (I would know because I used it in my map). There's 2 Beam Rifles, 2 Carbines, and some other stuff.