Phantom Arena Created by Rossdawgg [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Capture The Flag, Infection. [br] Download Map Here [br] Map Description "Once a 1 on 1 Spartan training area, this building was soon abandoned after the war." Phantom is great for 2-8 player matches. It was Inspired by one of my favorite levels on Halo 2, Ivory Tower. The inner area of this map, which I will refer to as the "Arena", is a circular room. The Arena spreads out as you go from level to level. In the center of the room, which is bottom level, is a regenerator on top of the barrels. Across from the regenerator is the rocket launcher spawn. Use the platforms (door pieces) to get to the next level of the Arena. On this floor, you have a good shot at the enemies below but not above. There are several items that you can stand on and jump off of to get up to the next level (barrels, crates, etc.) There's also the preferred way which is located straight across from the Rocket Launcher spawn, which I refer to as the Energy Sword platform. As interpreted, there is an energy sword on top of this platform and there is also a overshield below it. You can use this platform to hop up to the next level of the Arena. There is a sniper spawn on this level, which is across from the energy sword spawn, leaning on the right wall. There is two tunnels leading out of the Arena, looking from the sniper spawn you have one on your left and one straight ahead. (Also, there is a teleporter receiver on the right) Left Hallway (Shotgun Hall/Sniping Room): I call the room to the left the "Shotgun Hallway", mainly because it's the only shotgun spawn on the level. This Hallway has a turn/angle in it which makes it good for surprise attacks. At the end of the hall way is a ledge (door piece). Jump on top of it and then jump on top of the next surface and you're in the "Sniping Room". There's no sniper spawn in this room so you'll have to bring your own (there's a BR spawn, though). This room gives the sniper a pretty clear over view of the Arena, so watch out. Straight Hallway (Outer Area): This short tunnel leads to the outer area. You can either go down the double-staircase or go straight and jump on the ledge (bridges). Going down the stairs will take you to the sniper spawn, which is straight under the stair platform and surrounded by roadblocks. I consider the outer are to be separated into two sides, Side A and Side B. Side A is the wall siting across from the stairs. Side B is the area under the ledge (double boxes), and there's a teleporter on side B which leads you back to the arena. On the right are two dumpsters with the mauler spawn on top of it. Now instead of going down the stairs, you jump across to the ledge. The needler spawn is up here and at the very end is a gravlift(equipment) spawn. Pick up the gravelift and look above side B, you should see a Turret sitting on top of a ledge. Jump down and throw the gravlift near the ledge, and float up to it. This is the only way you can access the turret. This spot works extremely well on Capture The Flag. I tried to balance the weapons as well as I could and I played threw several test matches. I spent several days off and on trying to smooth and balance this map. Anything and Everything is welcome. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Arena/Sniper room view 1 [br] Arena view 2 [br] Outer area sniper spawn [br] Outer Area view 1 [br] Outer Area view 2 [br] Shotgun Hallway [br] Oh noez! [br] Sniping the energy [br] All along the watch tower [br] (Shot)Gunned Down [br] Up above! [br] Your Sword Vs. My Fist [br] Rockets Away [br] Blowing up the man in the Sniper tower.. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Thanks for any feed back. [br]
Your first picture reminds me of Ivory Tower from Halo 2, that was one of my favorite levels. And the multiple levels with the power weapon on the platform is really cool (also reminds me of Ivory Tower). I also liked how you made the hallways and some other good weapons to challenge the sword. This is a really cool map, its qued for me. 5/5
Well to be completely honest, this map was inspired by Ivory Tower. It even has the rocket spawn down at the bottom.
i absolutely love arena maps, and u have fulfilled my fantasy (in maps, nothin else)... besides that... nice map with interlocking and alternate levels, its pretty shweet
Thanks everyone, I spent a couple days on this bad boy and I'm glad you guys like it. Also, I've never read the novels so.. wha?
It does look nice, but the Sword and the Overshield so close together is way unbalanced, in my opinion. It was the only downfall of Lintendo's Great Wall map. Other than that, it looks like a good job.
lol i dont know why but the outside part of the arena reminds me of the Vans skate park of Tony Hawk. Dont ask why. So ya awesome map the interlocking looks very good. I also agree with squidhands the sword and the overshield are too close. I say if the sword is within 3 feet (and beyond maybe like 1 double box and 1 single box si good) of any other "advantageous" object then thats bad. =D
I love the main arena. The outside looks like u rushed it campared to the rest of the map. I well still dl tho
No, trust me, I didn't rush it. I took my time. And thanks everyone for the downloads! I added more screenshots.
great map, it really adds to the classic arena game by making an outer are and turning to the arena intoa avery key battle are rather than the whole map.