How so? Sign me up. GT XxChrOnikXX FH Chronik But seriously even though I'm signing up your wasting your time. There are groups on begging for social infection and they haven't got it so what makes you think this will?
I'd say this is a good idea, but it should include user created variants, cuz those can be ... amazing... as long as they're balanced and what not so ER1C0
Completely agree, infection definitely needs to be a playlist, it sure hell beats grifball. But the thing is that I don't want to be playing those dumb Bungie created variants. All they do is just add a bunch of random "scenery" objects and add weapons around. They need to adopt some mini-game type of infection. But just hope little kids don't go scream in the playlist because they don't understand the game. GT: evilvillager
I'll sign, GT=Teaco27 I've always liked infection, but the bungie variants SUCK so i would have to be custom content, or good old fashion original infection
Lie. Infection is NOT the most played custom game. Maybe for you, but definitely not everyone. Personally, I hate it, but I'm not saying that it's not okay to like it. It just isn't what I'm into. MLG customs FTW!
I fully support, infection is VERY overlooked in the current playlists and if it gets its own playlist it shouldn't anger anyone, don't want do play infection? choose a different list. Side note: if they DO this I request they put helps on the way on the list gamertag-Falcron Kira
Oh, heck. I know I said I don't like Infection, but if it helps the cause, you can add my name. x Encounter x
I was jest telling my friends that this should be a playlist. It would be fun to be able to go into matchmaking and being able to play some form of infection with user created maps, if possible. Sign me up GamerTag:Connor142
add me dude i love a good infection game and i love the dbl exp week end but its just not good enough!!! ADD MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!