What do most people play when in customs? Infection. Infection, is not so serious, but it is fun. There are so many different ways you could play. I am sure it would have a lot of people playing at any given time. Much more than sqaud battle or objective, but I am not implying that those playlists are bad. This could totally be a social playlist, but I would just like to see infection in a playlist so that I can play it all day every day. I am sure others would too. Why play doubles with a screaming partner because you got killed? I hate that. I mean, Halo 3 is a GAME. You won't lose your paycheck if you die from an assault rifle! You play to have fun, it's not about competition, even though that is what most people see it as. Since infection is a free for all game almost, it is funny to see a human get killed the stupidest way. I don't remember EVER playing infection, and hearing a kid yelling at another because they didn't get the kill. So I ask the community, to sign this petition. I will take this thread in a well written email to Bungie, and see what they have to say. I am posting this on many forums to get the most diversity. I will TRY to post all the people's signings in the front post. Please write down your gamertag. So, without any further waiting, 1. GR Blood Shot 2. DSX Halostar 3. Leoparddude 4. XxSpyyx 5. EconomyPuppy 6. Bartoge 7. Rex Thunder 8. n00bsk00lbus309 9. FreshCherry 10. Chedderboy1337 11. XSn1p3 X0utX 12. Ruggles IV 13. Blackest Spirit 14. DoWw 15. ViolentDownfall 16. c0ldflame23 17. EpicFishFingers 18. XxChrOnikXX 19. ER1C0 20. evilvillager 21. The Spartan III 22. Teaco27 23. x Thuckey x 24. FootlooseFire 25. IK1R 26. Falcron Kira 27. x Encounter x 28. fred the bug 29. Connor142 30. Minime637 31. pinohkio 32. Rayzertag17 33. IXxROADKILLxXI 34. kill4overkill 35. ASC671 36. Forgegod117 37. sPaG3Tt1 5AwC3 38. Cyrorapt0r 39. Dangerbeck 40. HLG FlashBack 41. Digital Templer 42. Speed e cake 43. Seaboro Kibbles 44. Undead Fanatic 45. nuvnuv123 46. Stwow 47. C0N741N3D 48. Apples R Us 49. warlordtunip 50. theGREEKFIRE 51. Bedfastfire 52. Dthen 53. CookieMan 54. Melyourtv 55. i4 sHoT 2d DoMe 56. SRC48 57. Adelyss 58. 59. 60. Thanks for all the supprt, Andy
I have to agree completely. They could take some popular mini-games as well, like, tremors and mouse, cat and mouse, pennyless, cave freaks etc. Sign up DSX Halostar.
I've wondered the same thing after playing 'Double XP Weekend' and it being so much fun. I though that "How can Bungie not see that when they have infection, the population in the other playlists goes down quite a bit" now some of you may disagree with me but that's just my firm opinion so there no changing it. Sign me up - Leoparddude
I think that Grifball should be it's own playlist to stop it from being it all the time... OP Yes, infection should be a permanent playlist. I've wanted this change forever! GT-XxSpyyx FH-XxSpix
One reason for this is that they have honor rules. You can't have a gametype in matchmaking that requires honor rules. Anyway, I guess I'll sign up. -Bartoge
What honor rules are you talking about in infection? And you can sign me up as well. I'd love to see an infection playlist. gamertag- Rex Thunder
Add me: GT: Chedderboy1337 The problem is that there are a LOT of different infection variants. Capture the Flag may have different flag carrier traits, or different starting weapons, but it's still capture the flag. Infection can be modified to give almost any "feel." Bungie would have to do a lot of research to come up with good variants. The other problem is that many infection maps depend on a specific gametype. Both the maps and gametypes would have to work with any pairing, were they to appear in matchmaking. Its not an insurmountable problem, but it is something I'm sure Bungie would rather not deal with. Hopefully they'll listen.
Sign me up! GT - Blackest Spirit It'll go silver in a few days, though, but I'm sure that doesn't matter?
I agree, but it wouldnt be the infection played in customs games. It would be something that is completely balanced and unbreakable, like the doulbe exp weekends anyways, you have my support. GT - DoWw
i guess ill sign up- c0ldflame23...but i think that it wouldnt be nearly as fun as custom games infection...what i think is that they have a playlist where u can just party up with ppl to get a bigger party for infection...but u dont have to play a game
Sign me up, but petitioning here won't change much. And petitions on b.net aren't allowed. GT: EpicFishFingers