
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Rian Ultima, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. Rian Ultima

    Rian Ultima Forerunner

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    This map has been over a month in the making and has been thoroughly tested by many different groups of people.
    This is an invasion/invasion slayer map built on Montana/Alaska.
    I really don't know what else to say so here's some pictures taken from some very recent matches on both game types.

    The basic story of the map is that a squad of Elites were tasked with the destruction of an entire UNSC outpost.

    Not wanting the humans to call for help they attack the communication satellite in an attempt to cut them off from all reinforcements.

    The capture points are outside of the actual base simply because as far as gameplay went it was not possible for the Elites to get into the base.

    The second phase is crossing the bridge to capture the gate house.
    In this phase the humans have a pretty heavy advantage of height and weaponry. The missle turret on the top of the tower to the left (in this shot being destroyed by the banshee) will prevent almost any enemy from crossing unless dealt with by the aforementioned banshee.
    The capture points for this phase are illustrated in the pictures below.

    One thing I simply had to do was make an exploding door. I had had this idea about two months ago before I had ever built anything in reach forge (and in fact before I joined Forgehub)
    I tested it quite a lot on a bridge but it seemed quite illogical for the attackers to destroy their retreat.
    After much painstaking testing and researching phased creation/deletion I settle on blowing the door for epic lulz.

    Ah the final phase, by far my favorite to work on just because I love building HQ type structures.
    (There is a vehicle garage on the back of the base that I forgot to include in the pictures, I will get that in a bit)

    The rock spire in the center is a very important cover/ line of sight barrier which serves the dual purpose of housing an assaulting man cannon and creating a wonderful center piece for Invasion Slayer.

    The core room. One of the more challenging parts of this map being as it is so small. There and numerous ways in including a secluded rock pathway in the back and open windows on the roof.

    The core capture point is just outside of the once existing gate. Sorry I could only find a picture with explosions in it.

    I hope you enjoy this map as much as I enjoyed making and tweaking it over the weeks. :)
    #1 Rian Ultima, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  2. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Awesome, awesome, awesome aesthetics. It looks like a very finished, polished, and well-loved creation. I'm sure it took a lot of perseverance to finish, aheh, ahem.

    Would you mind adding a description of the invasion process? If you had a top-down diagram or something showing how the attackers move from phase to phase that would give a much clearer idea of how the map works.
  3. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
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    Rian was rushed getting his pictures up but Top down and descriptive pictures are on their way, trust me you will be blown away
  4. L0d3x

    L0d3x Forerunner

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    Just wondering, did you re-add the scorpion tank? Cause I thought you had replaced it with the Gauss hog at some point.

    Other than that you already know that I like this map. It is one of the better (make that best) custom invasion maps I have played.
  5. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    Mate i dont know what it is , maybe u stole it , maybe you posted it before but dont double post ever again. Because it isnt fair to the other forgers which dont double post.
  6. Rian Ultima

    Rian Ultima Forerunner

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    Thanks Nilla.

    And yes there was an earlier version of this map which I hastily rushed into posting not knowing at the time just how broken this map was back then.

    I apologize for any double posting of the map and any newer photos/information on this map will be put into this thread.
    this is without a doubt the last time you will see this map posted in a thread of its own.
    Again I sincerely regret posting this map more than once and I hope you will not think lesser of me for doing so.
    #6 Rian Ultima, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  7. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Guys come on and relax and just talk about the map, sheesh.

    On topic the map looks great. Is there any shot in the dark of getting traditional modes added like CTF? This map looks like it would be epic for CTF or even Assault.
  8. Rian Ultima

    Rian Ultima Forerunner

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    I have been asked on several occasions to add a slayer variant or something of that sort and the truth is, there are simply no more pieces.
    There is a hard object cap that unfortunately prevents me from added any more objects regardless the cost.
    I would like very much to add other game types but I think Invasion Slayer covers any basis for slayer/objective games.
    I have played Invasion Slayer on this map and I must say I enjoyed it quite a lot.
  9. L0d3x

    L0d3x Forerunner

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    This map is totally feature worthy, the games I've had on it were simply a blast!
  10. Rian Ultima

    Rian Ultima Forerunner

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    I redid some of the pictures to give you guys a better picture of how the phases play out and such.
  11. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    wheres the gametype?? I can find it on your fileshare. It looks great now. better than before definately
  12. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    its default invasion silly goose
  13. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    It is beautiful... did you fixed phase two? it was kind of unbalanced...
  14. Rian Ultima

    Rian Ultima Forerunner

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    Thank you and yes, phase two now has a banshee that only the elites can access due to the dumb Spartans stealing teh Elite's weapons. I also removed various things from the human's side to make it more balanced such as extra DMR ammo (as if it were needed) and also the normal turret. The missile hog is great for putting the elites down but one banshee bomb and the humans are soon huddling up to avoid being completely wrecked.

    Standard invasion and invasion slayer are fully intended for this map.
    #14 Rian Ultima, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  15. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good map, I enjoy playing on it. The first phase is great, and I love using the shade.
  16. Rian Ultima

    Rian Ultima Forerunner

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