DOWNLOAD PERISH Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault, FFA Recommended Players: 2-8 Description: Perish is a arena type of map devided in 4 area's, a left side, middle side, right side and a second floor. all thes area's are connected with eachother by 2 tunnels or by going up the stairs in the middle on the left or right side area's. its also is a symmetric map and both teams will have the same weapons on each of there sides, the more powerfull weapons will be found in the middle side and both teams can reach them at the same time. the map offers some close combat but long range aswell. by going through 1 of the teleporters you will end up on a higher level where a sniper rifle is waiting for the first one who gets it, this spot also provides a pretty good view over the map, but still providing other players some cover. i used moneyglitch and pretty much interlocking on this map and almost used every box, wall, bridge or fencewall the game let me use.. i could only use 2 more cornerwalls and a couple of stairs and that was it. to let you understand how many things there are on this map. Screenshots: Overview from one side of the map. Overview from the other side of the map. one of the two tunnels on the left side of the map that leads to the middle side, or if you keep on walkin to the same tunnel on theright side. active camo is here and overshield on the right side. a small building on the second floor for cover and also holds the energy sword. same type of building on the ground right underneath the building on the picture above. this building holds the shotgun. if you go up on one of the two stairs on the leftside of the map you will enter this building on the secondfloor. this building holds the br rifle. on the right side of the map you will find the same building. looking throught the windows of this building will give you a view of the same building on the other side and the energysword building in the middle of the second floor. tunnel system on the other side of the map (not same tunnel as shown a few pics above) this will also lead to middle of the map or to the other side of the map (left or right depends on which side you enter ofcourse) if you go through one of the teleporters you will end up on top of these tunnels. Sniper rifle awaits there with also a decent overview of the map. overview of the left side of the map, same as the right side Ramp on the middle side of the map, on top of the ramp you will find the Rocket Launcher. underneath the ramp you will find the entrance to the tunnels. Weapons: Assault Rifle Battle Rifle Sniper Rifle Shotgun Rocket Launcher SMG Mauler Plasma Rifle Spiker Covenant Carbine Needler Energy Sword Frag Grenades Plasma Grenades Spike Grenades Deployable tools: Power drain Bubble Shield Power ups: Overshield Active Camo Video: not the best of quality but hey..
Excellent work, looks very clean and very well executed. I really have no other comments, it seems pretty flawless. You've got my download. Ah, my only critism is that the active camo is considerably better than the overshield, I think the team spawning on the os side would have a bit of a disadvantage.
thanks! yeah you might be right about those overshield&camo. some more comments would be sweet though
I really like this map. It is a solid competitive map, looks like it has very good weapon balance. It is aesthetically pleasing, which is a bonus. It reminds me of A Different Level, a formerly featured map. I'll check it out soon!
thnx, i played it yesterday with a friend of mine, and we had pretty much fun (even that i got owned on my own map, but whatever ;P) the gameplay felt good even that it was only a 1vs1 game. cant wait myself to play it sometime with more people
Dewd, this is awesome. It felt a little bit like sanctuary, but the map setup made it look like a very solid CTF map. The only thing which irked me was the aforementioned comment about overshield versus camo, and the constant central situation of the power weapons. I think you should replace the bubble shields with shotguns, and the shotgun with a bubble shield and see if it plays more fairly in objective based games. I'm looking forward to testing this on CTF
Yeah I think I'll haved to try this for some intense objective. I love all these types of enviroments where practically everything is interlocked. OH but one thing, please avoid double posting, someone will eventually comment on your map just have patience.
this looks like a relaly fun map, but i see shotgun, sniper, and rocket on your list. i'd try and even out power weapons if i were you. snipers just increase the chance of people camping and not having the competitive fast style gameplay we all love, especially in slayer. same problem with sword. you alreayd have a sword so drop the shotty or the sword. if you stick with shotty, don't add extra clips. you already have a mauler too. so ya. other than that, you got my dl. looks like it will bea good swat map as well. so good job!
Yet again you have created a flawless map. One thing i must add tho is that all your maps seem like their arena's, or symetrical "bases" But the interlocking is perfect, keep up the good work
thanks for the advises, and yes sry for the doubleposting i didnt like to do it, thats why i atleast waited a few days incase somebody may comment.. i made a v2.0 of this map its on my fileshare, this is what i changed: i removed the 2 maulers (there was 1 on each side) and placed a shotgun on both side on the same place where the maulers were. also removed the energy sword, and placed the powerdrain on that place and a bubbleshied on the old shotgun place in the lowerground middle building. i gave the sniper only 1 spare clip instead of 2. moved the overshield to underneath the middle ramp in the opening. moved the active camo to the place where the powerdrain was. so only power weapons in the middle now are the rocket and the sniper on the ledge and the needler. hope this makes things a bit better
I'm really surprised I haven't seen this map yet! The interlocking looks beautiful, and I'm liking the feel of the layout. This map needs some more love.
in the words of Leslie Phillips ... "...ding dong!". This looks excellently made, and the different angles (i.e the non-90 degree ones) give it an extra dimension not seen in a lot of maps. As Mallet said, your interlocking and general layout looks pretty flawless. I'd love to play a game with 6-8 people to see how this plays out. *D/L'd* .. and .. *+Rep'd*
Yes congratulations on a very sucessful map. As Textured said, you have used created some very interesting geometry, which looks very nice. Your interlocking skills are of a very high standard. I really like the bridges you have created with the tunnel under, that is a very nice touch. I hope this map does wonders for your reputation, and i hope to see some future maps from you.
Looks like an almost flawlessly interlocked map, with a nice layout. I especially like the camo/OS tunnels (and now that in v2 the camo and OS are gone-it makes that area all the better) The only thing people don't seem to like to do in symmetrical maps is to place power weapons closer to one team, and then perhaps balance that out with the other team being closer to a different weapon. This is probably due to people being afraid of other people saying... that the weapons are unbalanced (that sounded odd...) That's probably part of the reason why I don't like symmetrical maps as much as I do asymmetrical. Now on to the actual geometry...which I love for the most part. I like the overall layout of the map, and how you divided it up with sideways bridges, but still offered a way to jump over them and get to the next area. The only problem (which seems to happen in a lot of maps) is that the areas in between buildings looks a little empty. However, I do not know how many spawns are placed in the areas, or whether or not the areas are places of conflict. I'll DL to find out. I'll probably comeback with a more detailed review (if this isn't already...LOL)
thanks for the good replies!! hope to make more maps like this somewhere soon after i get tired of gta4 hehe