LINKSORZ>>><<<LINKSORZ *Players: 6- 10 *Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF, Team Oddball, and Assault. *Makers: beingTOOnosey and Sharpestt *Focus: Arena-style combat based on an X-Games Paintball Arena. *Best Attribute: Although it's completely aesthetic, the "X" in the middle was quite strenuous. It's fun to look at, and it compliments the map. AGAIN WITH THE FORMALITIES:::: As Grid has recently been extremely busy, and I've been unable to satiate my need to Forge, I picked up a buddy of mine, and we've been testing out a few ideas. This is the fourth that he and I have made. We've mainly been throwing down ideas, and seeing if it works into a solid, playable map. This is the first I've deemed worthy of dear ForgeHub, and I hope you guys enjoy it! He came to me with the following idea: To create a map based on a paintball arena. ^^^That^^^ would be the arena we chose to base our map around. We counted each block, and matched it up with the grid pattern on Foundry's floor. Of course, not all the scenery is picture perfect to what you see in that example. We did our best to re-create the arena feeling. I think we did pretty swell myself. On to the pics! The middle "X" was the most time-consuming part. The structure to the very bottom of the picture is what the X-Games calls the "DollHouse." It's purpose is the single biggest piece of cover other than the middle structure. However, it is not intended as something to be able camp-able. Here, you have a better look at the back of the Offender's base. Note that 4 BR's are placed within immediate walking distance of each team's spawn. Again, the same thing, switched around. What we were trying to create ended up not being as hard as we'd planned, so I put lots of care into the merges around the map. I wanted ForgeHub to appreciate the goal, and while maintaining and fairly standard "boxy" setting, I needed as many outlets as possible. So, I did everything I could to make the corners and bumps look nice and pretty for those who are about to die because they're staring at the scenery. Sword was a big decision. When the map is played correctly, the Sword is not too powerful. In a few 1v1 matches that Sharp and I tested on, we found it to be nearly unstoppable. That being said, a team game of 4v4 will keep the Sword from being abused. Here, you can see two things that I really like. Firstly, and most obviously, is the pretty Fence Wall. It's nice and even and merged to show no Fence. Also, the Weapon Holders that originally served as merely weights on the Barriers turned into the hosts for our Magnums. Generally, I thought it was cool. Now, the Doors that you've seen next to the middle "X" host the coolest weapon spawn in the map. A Needler is held just below the top of the Doors. However, it can only be picked up when one is standing on top of the Doors. The Needler isn't super powerful with all the tight turns of this map, but it's come in handy for its share of worthiness to be in this map. Weapons: (8) Battle Rifle - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips (4) SMG - 20 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips (2) Magnum - 10 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips (2) Plasma Pistol - 30 Second Respawn (2) Plasma Rifle - 2o Second Respawn (1) Needler - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips (1) Energy Sword - 180 Second Respawn (2) Covenant Carbine - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips Equipment: (4) Plasma Grenade - 10 Second Respawn (1) Power Drain - 60 Second Respawn WELL There ya have it. If you'd like a bit of extra fun, try out the PaintBall GameType, SWAT, or CTF with one life per round. They're loads of fun on this map, even though it was not made for those gametypes. V2 Updates::::*SceneryI found recently that the map was breakable. I fixed that using Bridges and Double Walls all the way around the top level. Also, where the 2 Crates were stacked, we found that they moved just a tad from Grenades. So, in an effort to fix that, we switched around some of the immovable objects to better fit the objects they were holding. All the scenery is exactly the same, just a little more stable.*Weaponry The Energy Sword proved to be a nuisance far greater than originally seen. We replaced that with a Regenerator. Both crouch-accessible sides of the "X" now host two Plasma Grenades a piece. Also, the Plasma Rifles were left in one side, and the Power Drain was replaced with two Spikers. Extra Special Thanks Goes To:::: Sharpestt- The Co-Creator of this map. It was he who proposed the idea to me, and thus he who inspired the map. DarthBender was with us for 100% of the Forging process. He did absolutely nothing contributory to the map itself, but he provided us with plenty of good laughs to keep us awake all night long.
This looks a little open but that is how a paintball arena is, right? Nice remake! It looks exactly like the real arena. Will download.
nice interlocking, and the X is really cool, i'd download but I need to get on my xbox to delete some usless stuf first, 4/5
That looks like a cool paintball course and people will be able to do interesting battle scenarios for it. Overall: Great 4.5/5
well it does seem as if it can be a great paintball map or even very very tactical swat the map is okay but great job on the x! how long did it take you to make it even?
Another great map. I love the feel to it. I wish I could dl it, but I've filled my slots. I'll dl when I can and report back. The pics reminded me of a paintball arena and when I had a read through he description, I was like "OH*tilts head*" I love the use of moveable objects, If you had managed to puch those bridges into the ground I would've loved you and this map that much more, but I'm sure it still works great the way it is. I'll be back later to really analyse this map. Question: did you use the money glitch for this?
Thanks a lot, bro! Yeah, the idea is plenty of jumping capabilities, tight turns, and ways to use the cover against your enemy. The jumping part isn't so much in actual paintball, but that's how the Halo version plays, if done correctly. Haha, we all have plenty of useless stuff. Thanks a lot, bro!!! Thanks a lot, man! Our goal at first was the paintball mini-game, but then I contemplated the possibilities of true-Halo gameplay, and we went from there. I like how differently it plays when switching between Slayer, Flag, and paintball. SWAT, huh? I hadn't thought of that. I'll definitely have to try that out. It took me about an hour, actually. It wasn't incredibly long, but it was quite taxing. I had most of the arena filled up with Double Boxes used as guides so I could get it perfectly even and such. Well thank you! The geo-merging isn't much at all, actually. One of those Boxes was stubborn as hell. It took me 10+ tries to get it even. I'm still experimenting with geo-merging a bit, so I'm not pushing it yet. Bridges into the ground? Hmm, you're right. That would look a lot better. Sadly, I'm incapable of achieving such a feet =[ A scenery flaw or lacking area in a map is never because "I don't feel like it" or "I don't have time," it's always because I don't know how. That's the case here. Getting those angles perfect was hard enough, but then keeping them perfect as I geo-merge? Wow, I wish I could. You've inspired me, though. I always love a challenge, and I love nothing more than a specific area which I can improve in. I'll be working on that Bridge geo-merge. Thanks for a great comment as always, bro!
Dude, this looks really good. I like how you used the objects with MAP GEOMETRY. This seems like an awesome map for paintball, like someone else stated, or even a game of Swat. I would have to downlaod it to be fully sure though.
Dude, you never disappoint. When i was reading the first part and you mentioned that Grid wasnt there, i was a little scared of what it could be. When you mentioned paintball I almost walked away. But the moment I saw that friggen X, you had me hooked. That is the most aesthetic thing you have ever done. Gameplay wise it should be great for 4v4 TS and, as others have said, Team SWAT. Ill be back in a moment with a more detailed review.......
this looks like a really good map for paintball which is a game type i developed. ive been looking for something like this. 5/5 dl
Yeah resembles paintball alot... I want to play it. Very cool though I've been thinking about making a map like that before but I'm beat lol.
This looks like a well thought out map. Do you mind if I use the outside arena to make a map with ? It's perfect for what I need and it could save me the trouble
The map seems to have a really simple layout, but it still looks like a great deal of fun. Once again you astonish with really pleasing aesthetics. The X and the fence walls with the boxes look really cool. Nice job once again, Drum. P.S - Oh, and can you climb the X or no?
QUOTACULAR! Thanks a lot, bro! I'm really looking forward to playing SWAT on it. I hadn't thought of that in the making, but I really like the sound of it. I like te following the best: Multi-Flag 1 life per round 5 rounds It's insane, and it takes very litle time to make that gametype. If anyone DL's, I suggest trying that out. I'm impressed! I hadn't realized that anyone actually kept up with our stuff. Also, I'm thrilled to know that you read the full post. These posts take me several hours to perfect (and I'm sure it's the same for everyone else). It's nice to know that the effort is actually put to use. Thanks as well for not walking away even though the paintball part sounded wretched haha. I'm the same way. I despise mini-games, which is why we made this playable for both the paintball mini-game and normal Halo 3 Gametypes. +Rep for you, bro. Well, I'm glad you like what you found! I don't believe you'll find any flaws, and if you do, please let me know so I can fix them right away. Thanks! Nonsense! I gather ideas from ForgeHub. I see a map or a map element that I like, and we put our own spin to it. There's no limit to what can be done. I'm sure you'll find that just going into a round of Forge and playing around with the arena-style combat focus, you'll enjoy it a lot. Thanks a lot! That means we accomplished our goal, ha. Thanks for the DL, and I hope you enjoy! I'll make you a deal. If you come back to this thread to see if I actually gave you permission or not before using the template, then it's all yours. I'd only mind if you did so without consent. I'm more than flattered to see that you like it enough to use yourself, though. I guess we'll find out =] A 4/5 on a gametype-specific map that you don't like? I'll take it. I'm flattered. Thanks a lot! Simple? Yes. Great deal of fun? Also, yes. Metal, I still have you as the first person to embrace our work. You're always posting on our maps, and it's always a constructive post. + REP for you, bro! The X? Nope. You cannot climb it. The middle where Sword spawns is a clean walk without crouching. The two side slots can be crouch-walked through. Both of those spots serve as Plasma Grenade spawns. In addition to the grenades, a Power Drain spawns in one side, and two Plasma Rifles in the other.
Ah, I understand. I see how that that would be kind of unfair, since whoever owned the X would have the highest ground, in the middle of the map, with a shot or grenade toss at any point in the whole place. Guess it was for the best to leave that part out.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Community Reviewer: I Carter I =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Review- Description: 5/5 Pictures: 5/5 Map Idea: 4/5 [arena...but some good ideas incorporated] Map Quality {layout}: 5/5 Map Quality {looks}: 4/5 Comments: A pretty simple map, but ridiculously well made (with all the precision interlocking etc.). A very, very good arena map. Overall: 4.75/5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~I Carter I Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.