Periculum Canyon By StolenMadWolf (ForgeWolf007) After constant delays due to college work and a bit of a ressession in Forge (I will explain in a sec). I have finally just tonight been able to finish off this project, Periculum Canyon, essentially the closest thing I could get to a remake of Danger Canyon, a favourite of Halo CE before the games demise. Now, I will just want to say this rather bluntly. I wont be able to make any major changes, in fact, a minor change is proberly out of the picture too. Reason? I have used ALL my budget in making this. Yes, all 10,000 credits. I'm sure this overview will explain why... As proberly noticed, Periculum Canyon nearly fills the entire largest island on Forge Island. I had to spend quite a bit of time cutting down the cost of the overall structure just to get it finished, leaving me with vitually without any pieces left except in a few catagories. Because of my 'budget crisis', I could not add the centre building, never mind make it bigger. I also had to make a choice, either cram it with vehicles with the cost of using ordience which could have been a complete disaster, or sacrifice the loss of a large amount of vehicles in order to place weapons normally. I chose to place weapons normally, especilly as the map began to become overun with trees and rocks. Anyways though, the rest of the map is true to the orginal outside of size (the original Danger Canyon on PC would hold alot more players than today. So its not much of a suprise. Heres the screenies: Canyon: Blue Base: Red Base: Atrium: Weapons: Despite being a Big Team Battle Map, I'm not sure if there are enough weapons on due to budget reasons. So let me know if more needs to be added. - 2x Assualt Rifles Default - 2x Battle Rifles Default - 2x DMRs Default - 2x Carbines Default - 2x Storm Rifles Default - 1x Light Rifle Default - 2x Needlers - Frags and Plasma Granades. Power Weapons: - Fuel Rod Gun: 150 seconds, 0-1 clips, located in Atrium. - Sniper Rifle: 130 seconds, 1 clip, located on rocky ledge in canyon. - Sticky Detonator: 100 seconds, 2 clips, located between ramps at Canyon centre. Vehicles: - One Default Warthog at each base. - One Ghost at each base - One Mongoose at each base. Currently, Periculum Canyon is only set up for slayer, though I will be making it avalible for CTF and other game modes. The map itself is currently on my file share though. Though I will need to set the gametypes up. If anyone has any advice for the map or gametypes let me know via this thread, which I will keep updated. This map is pretty much ready for Slayer testing. So if anyone wants to help test it, give me a PM. And if there are any TCOJ GMT nights coming up let me know. Hope this map lives up to expectations. Wolf (your typical brit)
I think you could of down sized the map a bit, put it on the smaller island so you didn't have to waste resources on that rock wall. that would of gave you more budget to expand more on structure, more routes, more verticality. plus you could of did a complete circle around the center structure and not allowing the vehicle route to be so linear and direct.
I admit I didn't think about building it on the second island. I was mainly trying to get the map as close to scale as possible. In several ways I proberly have to go back to rebuild it as a smaller map. But let's see how it runs in testing. Anything else worth advising?
Overall I just feel the map is way to linear, plain, and boring. It doesn't leave a whole lot of options for the player and firefights will be the exact same every game. The areas for the vehicles is extremely linear and you can already paint the picture of what will happen if both teams use the hog right off the bat. It seems forged pretty well but the level design as whole is lacking. Needs more complexity, more routes, areas, verticality, etc. to even contend with maps nowadays.
I have to agree. It's all really plain and flat. The inner areas are monotone and hold no interest for me. basically reiterating what Fenix said about this needing to be more complex.
What first strikes me is all the lighting is being blocked so everything is very bland. In your defense it is kinda difficult to work with the lighting on Forge Island. Also the design is very basic but it's not bad, just has room for improvement.
I definitely agree with the premise that this should be rebuilt on one of the smaller islands. It'd free up all of those rocks you're using to close the map off to instead be used to either add some natural variations to the ground and the scenery, or to otherwise add more interesting features or structures to the map.
Right, I'm going to rebuild this on one of the smaller islands. I guess I will pull away from the remake slightly and add additional routes. I will try and make the canyon so it is more like a circle,not just something with a kink. So, the canyon needs more routes, the interior needs to be more complex, say multiple rooms which lead to different balconies? And remove the linearity. Add anything or suggest how I can implement complexity and such. I have spent too much time messing around with this map to let it die.
lighting suggestion... make all rock walls lower. PROBABLY (aka proberly) much lower would be preferable. sorry, I couldn't help but mention the spelling issue since you said you are in college. this one's for free