Nice geo merging, there's just something about this map that keeps me from downloading. Probably the lack of size on all of the bases. Not saying they're bad, but would people really get on them to BR? 4/5.
Unfortunately you are very close to the truth... During a game of TS many people will avoid the main bases in favour of the side ones because they have much better vantage points. However I still urge you to download and play CTF. Because of the different staring points as well as the placing of the flag spawn/return points forces people to use the bases both to attack and to defend. As it turns out, the teams that leave their base open will almost always lose to a team that uses theirs efficiently.
Really good map, love the center structure, but don't understand the bases, how are you supposed to get a good shot off, but anyway, good map
From the relative safety inside the main bases, you can get a good shot off along both sides to A-base and B-base. This is good to kill off those annoying kids who run in with no strategy... Also if you are brave you can venture out onto the very front face of the main bases to be able to view your entire side of the map, but you run the risk of exposing yourself to all angles.
Wow spam much? Please don't flood the forums with one-word posts... Also please read the latest front page Anouncement (The Status Quo)... I'm looking for constructive criticism here, not... I can't even describe what that is...
You don't understand the definition of the word "Unique"? I was banned for giving my opinion on the map. I fail to see how my calling the map unique (being a obviously positive comment) is spam. It doesn't hurt anyone, I wasn't flaming anyone, it's not all-caps. It's not the same word repeated over and over - The post I was banned for does not come even slightly close to the definition of "posting spam".
The map looks amazing other than those Perches. They seem to ruin the map IMHO. Otherwise the stuff around them look great with some expert interlocking and other good stuff. It's to bad that those perches are there, I would suggest deleting them and making up a new name. Otherwise good job 9.5/10
Aw they were my favourite part... I know they can be cumbersome so I may make another version without them for TS but keep them for CTF because they are actually nice in the CTF.
I've play tested this map thoroughly with a group of MLG minded players, and I have to say, the structure and movement of the map rivals Onslaught, and is certainly better than Amplified. However, the bridges on the A and B sides seem out of place with the overall look and feel of the map and just seem to hang and droop over the sides. They don't aesthetically fit. Overall, definitely;feature; worthy. Hurry up ForgeHub, get on it.
for being an mlg map, which i normally hate, its actually really cool, the aesthetics are better than most mlg maps, and the gameplay looks more fun.
Wow great interlocking. The tilted box geomerging is really good, i just dont know how well it would play. but i appreciate the time it took to make this map so ill dl.. 8.9/10
The Comments: Nice job on the bases, especially on the geomerging with the Foundry walls, very impressive. Everything else is merged in a precise manner with map geometry and other objects. I like how the boxes are angled and there are so many jumps you can use. The Criticism: Red team, blue power up? Whats that about? The purple power ups are also misaligned. The middle area isn't as well made as it could have been and you also had to "borrow" the claw cover and walls from Onslaught, but I won't mark you off for that one, seeing that you noted that in the post. Speaking of the post, you should change the black text to a different color, as it has bad contrast with the new theme. The Score: 4/5
I like this map because it doesn't look quite like anything else. I love the geomerged double box bases and the center peice. Great job. Could you change the font color, its really hard to read black font on a dark grey background.
Look very creative. I like the bases since u spawn with a border between u and ur enemy peoplez. But yeah the gameplay is sweet and i like the J in the middle tunnels. Nice aesthetics, nice weapon placement and everything. Overall: 5/5
I had a map like this in the making actually with the boxes tilted just like that. I never got around to finishing it. Your final product looks so much better than what I had in mind. Great work!
This is a very creative map. I have played it with some players who have some mlg knowledge, and we find that it has nice movement and CTF is great. For the people who question about the perches, I find that you can shot across the map on them. I have gotten many kills and find that it is one of the best places to fire off of.
Since someone already pointed this out, I might as well use the same answer... To clear up any further confusion, the spawns on either side are set to identical teams in both Team Slayer and CTF. This means that all the spawns on the Blue side are set to Defenders (I think) and all the Red-side spawns are Attackers (I think). So unless Defenders are Blue in TS and Red in CTF, I'm pretty sure it's completely up to chance
Great geomerging. The unique flag spawn is a nice touch and the overall design is something in itself. It would make any MLG game much more interesting with the none level structures. Everthing I see is so well interlocked and excecuted. 5/5 all the way. I'm sure I'll see this featured soon.