
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Vicious Vice, Oct 19, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. OK

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Wow that was fast! Wasn't it made like yesterday or something?. Very great map though, I will download.
  2. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    wow! What can I say? This is probably one of the best mini game and map I have ever played on. The gameplay is probably the best part. Seriously, I was pretty much addicting. The map itself was actually really great too.

    So good job guys and hope to see some more impresive maps from you guys.
  3. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    Honestly, this map doesn't look like much geometry wise compared to these other maps on these forums that have some insane geo-glitching and what not. I have to say though that out of all of the maps i have played from this community this has to be the one that is the most fun to play. The gametype and overall idea of this map is outstanding and creative. Not only does this play like an infection map it can get quite competitive =P.
    I am extremely happy to have seen this map finally get featured. It is well deserved and i think more people should do thinks as creative and as well thought out as this...
  4. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    dude i have been working on a map just like this! man!!!
  5. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    This map is one of the most amazing minigames out there. It may look like a scam or purple monsters but this map takes it to a hole new level thats fun for both sides.

    To the Staff: Thank you for not giving deathtoll77 anymore reason to spam feature NOA!!!
  6. dckilla96

    dckilla96 Ancient
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    Wow, i was waiting for this....Anyways amazingly fun map, i almost pissed my self when i knocked my friend off when i got needled. I played this before purple monsters so i dont really feel its like a copy. good job guys 10/5 ( Extra 5 for the amount of luaghs escaped my system when i first played it)
  7. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    this is a great minigame I have played it quite a bit and the fun frantic quick fire nature is the best thing about it

    Its also good to see a minigame featured

    great concept perfectly executed
  8. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    This map is amazing and will always be amazing! I knew this was going to be featured the first time I played it. This is THE BEST mini game out there none have topped it (most likely) none will! I've had so much fun playing this and the fun never stops! I'm so happy this got featured it deserved it! 5/5 Because its freakin' awesome.
  9. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I wasn't too sure when I saw the original post... but this really looks good. Now that I hear all the nice words about it, I bet it really is fun. And anyone who posts crap about this should be shot.
  10. Runeman2

    Runeman2 Ancient
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    you do realize that humans get 5 points for getting last man? right? RIGHT? because if you didnt, well, then you'd just look like a ****ing idiot.

    maybe before giving one of your uber official reviews, with the god damn legal disclaimer(really wtf is this) at the bottom, you should at least play the map and gametype AT LEAST ONCE? Practically all of your review is bashing about how the gametype makes it so humans cant score/win( and some ****ing creepy **** about wanking off with tabasco sauce) so the real question is:
    (?)why the hell do people go around review maps without playing them?
    chrstphrbrnnn likes this.
  11. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    So it's basically Purple Bunker with a different layout. Not that original...

    Whatever, I'm not the one choosing the features.
  12. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    very great map i would of never thought of this how do u get that interlocking so neat at a so difficult angel very nice job. 5/5 from me I'm so downloading this when i get my halo back from shipping. This is an insane map i love it. Great job keep on forging!!!!
  13. Furry

    Furry Guest

    You seem really ill-informed. I hate it how you and other people think you can judge everything by pictures and can't even read the main article. Its actually not like Purple Bunker that much at all. They have needlers, thats probably the only revelancy that Pennyless and Purple Bunker has together. In Penneyless are the Humans defending with Needlers? No. In Purple Bunker is there a death pit that you fall in? No. In Purple Bunker can you make your teamates die by pushing them off the edge, or what about the fact you can defend yourself with equipment? No.

    No. No. No. No.

    You should at least consider testing the map before you make ignorant, ill-informed statements about a map. Noone's forcing you to download a map, but you should actually get a feel before you judge. Lookscan be decieving.

    If anything, Pennyless is an enhanced version of Purple Bunker.

    You're right you don't choose the favorites. It is chosen by staff, maybe because they don't want to feature any of your shitty maps that aren't even a feaction of how good Purple Bunker or Pennyless is.

    Wow, 1/5?

    Its pretty sad when somebody from a Tester's Guild sucks at rating a map. Seriously, it took you that long to write false accusations and a bogus review. Good job on becoming one of the stereotypical Forge Hubbers who make completely biased statements.

    You rating skills deserves a gracious 1/5
  14. Angry French Fries


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    This map has a great idea.The interlocking is great. I give this map a 4.009/5 considering its size.
  15. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    I'm so happy this got featured, but can i say, why did it take so long? This map was a definite feature by the time it came out so I'm glad it got what it deserved. 5/5
  16. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Havent seen this yet. I rarely DL Mini games, but considering that this is the first mini game map to be featured in a long time makes me somewhat considerate, qued
  17. MovingTarget602

    MovingTarget602 Ancient
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    Never thought i would see the day that this got featured. I thought that this was opposed. But anyway, I've liked this map since v2, and this version made it better. Congrats on the feature. It puts a new twist on purple bunker. Good job.
  18. DDjusD

    DDjusD Ancient
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    #38 DDjusD, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  19. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    ok guys stop doing reviews from the pictures, it may work with some maps but NOT with many games this is one of the funnest maps ever and more importantly one of the most original maps i have ever played and guys this the point is not to stay alive till the timer is out its to be the last man standing so you get extra points also, THIS IS NOT THE PURBLE BUNKER the only similarity is that your using a needler on an invincible guy to move him and its the zombies doing it not the humans, my only gripe was that the platforms were a little to small our to high up so i couldnt make the jump, and fall to my doom and the bubble shield makes this a little boring because all you can do is wait for it to wear off while the person tea bags you 5/5 and i hope to see more maps out of you!
  20. TaruBard48

    TaruBard48 Ancient
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    Before I saw either of these threads I played this map via your fileshare when I tryed out for FHMB....I got in.Great map 'Toll. 'Grats on the feature!

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