
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by DeathToll77, Oct 7, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Feature NAO!!!

  2. This map is awesome!!!

  3. Dun wurry its k


  5. This should be eaten: NOM NOM NOM

  1. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    (Version 3)

    Created by: DeathToll77 and idiotninja.
    Be sure to give Credit/Rep to both of us.

    Many of you thought that Pennyless V2 was the last version, but obviously we all were wrong. Apparently the only thing that was standing between that map and perfection was the length of the game play. With that being said we have improved on the game play by making slight changes to the map and game type.

    Each human starts on a platform inside the map with a plasma pistol. The zombies start in a cage elevated on each end of the map and start with needlers. The zombies goal is to knock the humans of the ledges using the needlers. Shooting the humans with the needlers wil cause them to loose their balance. If they fall they will die when they get to the bottom. The humans can avoid this by jumping around the map and picking up various equipment such as bubble shields, deployable covers and fire grenades. The humans can use the fire grenades to blind the zombies, the bubbles shield can be used to protect against needles, the custom power up(invisibliity) is used to stay hidden while keeping the needles from homing in on your body, and the deployable cover could be used as protection or something to lean against.

    Last Man standing: 7 points
    Killing a human: 2 points
    10 rounds 2 minuets each

    Improvments From Version 2
    In this version we made improvments focused on the gameplay rather than the map itself. The first thing you will notice is that the platforms are arranged so that when you are jumping around; you dont hit your head. Another addition is the custom power up. The custom power up acts as invisiblity for 10 seconds,the power ups don't replace the bubble shield but they are in the postition that the bubbles used to be in. The bubbles shields were moved to platfoms in the map. The zombies cages are smaller, why you ask? Because before if a zombie had a fire grenade thrown in his face, all he would have to do is step back and he could see again. The zombies spawn faced away from the arena now to prevent instant human death imediately when the game starts. Despite all these minor changes, I guarentee that there are the same amount of platforms, and the gameplay is still fun as hell!!!!

    Bring On The Pictures Yet Again!!!

    This map was made by DeathToll77 and idiotninja
    This is and overview of the map

    This map was made by DeathTolll77 and idiotninja
    An example of how helpful the bubble shield is

    This map was made by DeathToll77 and idiotninja
    The invisibility rests within the wondrous orange arrows, you can see a guy turning invisible. Invisibility not only makes you hard to see, but needles wont home in on you.

    This map was made by DeathToll77 and idiotninja
    This is what happens when your a zombie and you get blinded

    This map was made by DeathToll77 and idiotninja
    Ahh, the deployable cover, something to lean on..............

    This map was made by DeathToll77 and idiotninja
    A cool explosion!!!

    This map was made by DeathToll77 and idiotninja.
    This is yet again a really cool picture.

    Question And Answer

    Q: Now is this map going to be featured?

    A: Once again, you are ones who can recommend it. Oh, and I guess this version has a better chance.

    Q: Can I have your autographs now?

    A: HAHAHAHAHA NO!!!!!!! But you can have the picture at the bottom.

    Q: Can you guys play with me?

    A: Of course!! Just send a friend invite to DeathToll77 and Cheesepuffs96

    Q: Did you really need to make a new version?

    A: Actually, yes because we now please everybody with the game and it is more fun than V2,

    Q: Do I have to re-download the gametype?

    A: Yes because of the addition of the custom power up.

    Q:Why did you put your names in between all of the pictures again?

    A: The same reason of last time, so that everybody who just looks at the pictures knows that we both made the map.

    Q: Is this map approved by the F.B.I?

    A: No...........

    Quotes From Version 2

    Something Cool:
    The energy sword from version 2 is still on the map for those that could not find it last time. However we have hidden a needler somewhere on this version, again you must be in forge to find it and if you do, you will receive a cyber cookie(and again void on this planet)

    Special Thanks:

    Vorpal Saint
    Sgt B1ggl3s
    Stealth The One

    Metallic Snake
    Vicious Vice
    and anybody else that tested this map (let me know if i missed you)

    Also everyone thank sdrakulich for making an awesome video for v2!!! The vid is here!!

    Download Map HERE
    Download Gametype HERE

    Once Again This Map Was Brought To You By:
    #1 DeathToll77, Oct 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map looks great. I played and tested it with you today btw. To all who haven't seen this, it's really fun. You should d/l.

    Ps. i should be in a pic D=
  3. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    holy sheet, didnt you just release v2? -whatever, its a great game and i am going to download this one to replace the old one, this map was a great idea by the way. although it is hard to get used to not falling down to the bottom. !! =)
  4. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    YOU MISSED ME!! i helped test it. it was very fun and fast paced, because at any moment, a hoard of evil pink needles could fix on your location, and rip you off a ledge. i ROFL'd alot while playing it. was some good stuff. i was able to stabalize myself a few times with a good footing, but didnt last long when both pink mists had found me. definetly a VERY fun game. and very creative too. 4.5/5
  5. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    Update:*I fixed the link*
    Roflolcopter and Obibital like this.
  6. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    i missed v2 but the chagness from v1 are insane
    nice aesthetics, telenodes teleorbs and neatness
    you can has repburgers
    DeathToll77 likes this.
  7. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    yay its out i dl it and ill play it naos + this map is in much need of a feature and i love it!!!! yeah go pennyless.
  8. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    To be honest I really didn't enjoy V2 as much as I expected. Shooting just didn't "feel" good for the zombie because his vision was skewed far too much.
    It becomes a lot more fun if you delete the zombie cage and let him roam around, although the novelty probably wouldn't last it still is a load of fun.

    On a whole it still looks as good as V2 did and the adjustments you made make it seem like it will play a lot better.
  9. Vengeful C

    Vengeful C Ancient
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    I love this map! Definet download from me! 5/5 I cant wait to get a game going on this!
  10. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Great job DeathToll and idiotninja. Great job staying with a map for a long time to perfect it, making an awesome gametype, and making an awesome map overall. The slanted walls have been perfected. I didn't notice any bumps or ledges that weren't supposed to be there during testing. The camo is a great addition for sneaky players that can go around unnoticed, and that was a great idea. Once again, amazing map, and I sense a feature coming your way very soon. You missed me in the credits for testing by the way lol. 5/5.
  11. drak

    drak Ancient
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    so, I make a video, yet you still dont put it in the original post...tsk tsk....

    anyways, I'd like some credit nevertheless in the OP as AmercanPsycho said!!

    I love the map, will be testing this weekend when i get my sexbox back :D
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  12. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    This is one of the most creative and fascinating maps I have ever seen! I love the idea, this map is totally unique. I have never seen anything like this before, this is... this is mind-blowing! I am so impressed with your idea, and I can't wait to play. The game-play is sure to be incredibly amazing. I love needlers =D. AMAZING MAP!!!!

    Does this deserve a feature, I'll have to play first, but it seems like there's definitely a really good chance. This is definitely in the top ten most interesting maps I have seen
  13. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Saying a lot of the same thing...
  14. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Creative, fun, entertaining, exciting, you get the point!

    Glad to see some adjustments to perfect to the previous versions.
    Hope this plays even better than version one and two because I'm certainly looking forward to download!
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  15. lolocaust

    lolocaust Ancient

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    wow awesome idea i havent seen v1 or v2 but from what i see this map was forged very good im gonna download because this seems like the most perfect minigame ever and because i dont want to download it when iot gets featured. thats right i said it this map is going to get featured
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  16. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Thank you!!! Finally, a version 3. Lol sweet, I'm in the v2 quotes. You've done it again guys. You've changed my mind, now v3 is the best mini-game map ever! Although I didnt get to play it yet because non of my friends are joining cuz their busy, Im still gonna play here! This is a map never to be forgotten by FH :)
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  17. Hyp3roptic

    Hyp3roptic Ancient
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    This map looks awesome, i'm gonna have to clear some space for it, it looks like i could have a right riot on it
  18. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Very good job on this map. You already know what I think of it since I've already told you in-game/forge , and I'm glad to of been of help with the v3. Good luck to you sir, and happy forging! :D
  19. LaTurno11

    LaTurno11 Ancient
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    So... its finally done. i am downloading this right now since pennyless v2 was one of the best games i have ever played. I would reccomend this to everybody that plays halo 3. its that good.
  20. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    When I first seen version 3 I didn't think i would like it. But after playing it a few times it is actually better then version 2! So if you guys played this version and didn't really like it as much. Please give it another chance it is just as good actually even better then the last version.

    For those of you who haven't ever played it. all i have to say is WHY NOT ? seriously i haven't played a mini game with this much replayability ever! Not only is it very replayable it is a hell of a lot of fun to. this is THE BEST mini game.

    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.

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