Peninsula: Take control of the island to take control of the map. [aname=top][/aname] Download Map Description: The name Peninsula seemed like an obvious name for me to choose. Unlike all the other maps I see posted, mine actual is relevant to the map. Sometimes map names are in another language, but mine describes the map as a whole. Like the name says, there is a peninsula structure as the center structure of my map using a lift, broken bridge, or back catwalk track to get to. All are equally easy to use creating a nice flow between each level. If you were to look through the pictures now, instead of reading this long wall of text, you might wonder why this map is in the competitive section of the forums instead of the MLG forum. The main reason I posted it hear is because sticking to all the MLG rules is a hassle and limits my map to weapon use and equipment use. As you can see, I broke both MLG rules with weapons and equipment. Although, some ideas generated by MLG did help me with my map. Drop-Spawning is the easiest to spot. Drop-Spawning the rockets prevents one team from knowing the time the whole game while the other team is in the fog. If any of you don’t know what Drop-Spawning is, it is when a weapon is dropped from the air to alter it’s position that in turn starts the respawn timer instead of when someone picks it up off the ground. This creates a much more fair map even with power weapons. As you can see, I have completely interlocked the map to its full extent. Almost everything is interlocked or geo-merged. The giant wall I erected also is unbreakable that’s to interlocking, so don’t try grenade jumping into those teleporters, because those things are way out of the map. This pretty much sums up the entire map in words, if you have any questions please post them. Scroll down to see some screenshots. Note: Some changes were made to the map. They are not big, but the trucks were moved closer to the lift and in their place, there is a cover structure, and the power drain was removed. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Recommended Team Size: 2-5 Players Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer Multi Flag Team KoTH MLG Team Slayer MLG Multi Flag MLG KoTH Weapon List: 2-Assault Rifles 6-Battle Rifles 4-Carbines 1-Rocket 1-Needler 2-SMG 2-Spiker 5-Plasma Grenades 5-Fragmentation Grenades ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Panorama Pictures: Layout Pictures: Action Pictures: Victory Run Please download, comment, and rate here and on Download Map [jumpto=top]Go To Top[/jumpto]
nice map i love how you have a LOT of pictures also i would like to say that the bottom floor looks a bit open but i dont think it will change the game play. "First Post"
ya i actually liked having the bottom floor open, it kept people to the side and u cant go straight threw the middle with the flag anymore
oh wow this map is actually really cool. there is great interlocking and it also has some interesting features. the only thing you should fix is that it is pretty open in the center. other than that good job
you did good on the fusing. But it just looks...boring I haven't tried it yet, but just too open and it looks like a ton of other maps
this map is the most EPIC map ever! you should definitely get FEATURED!!! seriously his is the best forged map i have ever seen in my entire life....I love this map so much i want to have babies with it...keep up the amazing forgign cuz you could easily be on bungie favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
common guys id rather here some constructive criticism than u guys bickering about it. thnx preditor for the useful comment. and thanks frito for ur compliment
I've got to agree with DarkReaper on this one. Despite gorgeous interlocking and some parts with clever design, the majority of this map seems very...uninspired. Well, unoriginal, at least. And if the majority of the map centers around the floating what-not in the middle...why don't we have more pictures of it, instead of the empty ground around it?
thnx i guess. ill take some pictures of the centerpiece and replace some of the others. i was gonna make some panos but i never got photoshop back so i was challenged
Wonderful, simply wonderful. I like your decision to keep the bottom level mostly open, as it really helps the game play. For the most part, the surfaces are smooth, except for the bases. This I cannot understand. Besides that, everything is well built. All areas are easily accessible, sticking to the MLG style. I like the center "peninsula" the most with its mancannon and the broken bridge leading to the side of the level. I was also fond of the spawn area blocked off by the shield door, especially since it couldn't be described as a camping spot since you can through grenades below it. There is a way to get out though: grenade jump from the door in either base to the bridge, walk to a box, and jump onto Foundry's ledge. The easiest way to prevent that is to just delete the doors entirely, or just lower them. The layout is excellent, the interlocking is excellent (mostly), and you didn't go overboard with weapons. What else is there to say? 5/5
thnx for the comments. i fixed the escapable part with another bridge up there, but i had to remove 2 smgs to do the job
I don't see any thing unike about this map. I like how the interlocking is so smooth though and the fact there are like 20 pics is also a good thing because 80% of the people that see this won't read it and will just skip to the pics. You could use some more stuff in the middle as cover. This map looks boring, but that doesn't mean it is.3/5
id suggest u try it before u say its boring. because u obviously did just wut u said in ur post. skip to the pictures and judge it on that
OK first off, this is a great map. Although some parts of the map look...uninspiring as you guys say, the gameplay on this map is pretty sweet. And although the bottom part of the map is kind of open, it makes for great BRing, and as JASONYO already said, it makes flag games much more challenging as you can't really walk through the middle with the flag. I like the corner walls geomerged just like in Amplified, i can never geomerge them that low into the ground. I also like the side walkways with the walls for some cover. In my opinion, Peninsula is a great map with just as good gameplay. I'd rate it a 4.9/5. (No map can be perfect)
Sorry, this map screams "I play MLG". Why do I think it says this, its open at the bottom, has dominating walkways around the outside and a main ground to hold in the center. Although the weapons are not MLG based, I feel the map is. But your skills are good, very nice interlocking involved, maybe a weapon change and this could be a MLG map, unless you were not going for the MLG based style.
i tried to go for an mlg feel but i didn't want to follow the guidelines of weapons. as u can c it is tagged under mlg too. and i said in my description that it had an mlg layout sort of. and i also like the mlg format very precise and orderly
WOW! Geo-merging and Interlocking are very well done! Geo-Merging 3/5 Interlocking 5/5 Overall Map 4.5/5
i dont understand why the geo-merging got a 3/5. and ur comment is on the verge of spam. it contained nothing i could use to make my map better and u gave me a score from looking at the pictures which is a violation in the rules also. next time u post in the map section dont put a score if u haven't played it and instead download it and take the time to give it a nice review not a 1 sentence "wow kewl map man nice interlockzors and geomerginz man 5/5"